chapter four

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4:00 PM
September 11th

"Fuck." Ethan said as it started raining.

Grayson was at the gym and Ethan wanted to clear his mind so he went on a walk. There has been no updates on the missing girl. It's like people forgot about her. Ethan didn't, the missing girl is all he could think about.

He put the hood on his jacket over his head and began running home. He reaches the building and walks up the stairs. He gets to his apartment and notices he doesn't have his keys.

"Grayson should be getting home anytime now." He says to himself.

"Who's Grayson?" A voice says behind him.

He turns around to see a small girl standing behind him. She had long brown hair and bright green eyes. She was wearing a lavender sweater and black tights. In her hands was a laundry basket full of clothes and one laying beside her on the ground.

"My twin brother...Uh and you are?" Ethan asks.

"Oh sorry I'm Noel I just moved across from you." She said sitting the basket down to shake his hand.

"I'm Ethan." Ethan said shaking her hand.

"Do you want to come in until your brother gets back?" She says before flashing him a friendly smile.

"Sure, but no offense how do you not know who I am?" Ethan laughs and picks up the other laundry basket.

She unlocks the door and opens it for Ethan.

"Are you like famous of something?" She says, picking up the other laundry basket.

"I'll just show you." He laughs and walks in.

Her apartment was practically empty. She had just moved in but Ethan expected her to have more stuff. She had a few boxes sitting in the hallway and a few in the kitchen. She only had a couch and TV in her living room. Her
apartment looked very dull.

"Sorry about the place." She says putting the basket down before grabbing the one in Ethan's hands and sitting it down.

"It's okay you should see mine." He laughs nervously and sits down on her couch.

"So show me." She smiles.

"My apartment?" He looks at her.

"No who you are." She giggles.

Ethan pulled out his phone and went on google. He handed his phone to Noel.

"Type in Ethan and Grayson Dolan." He says looking at her.

Noel did and her eyes widened.

"You're brother is cute." She laughs.

"We are twins so doesn't that make me cute?" Ethan laughs with her.

"So you are YouTubers...that's cool I guess." She says, ignoring his question and handing him his phone.

"You don't sound impressed." He says locking his phone and slipping it back in his pocket.

"Oh I'm sorry it's just I'm not easily impressed." She says while walking into the kitchen. "Want anything to drink?"

Ethan's phone vibrated in his pocket. It was Grayson saying he was home.

"No thank you my cute brother is home now." He said sighing.

"Okay well maybe I'll see you around?" She said walking back into the living room.

"I live right across from you I'm sure you will." He laughs.

"Well maybe tomorrow you and your brother can come over?" She says smiling.

"Yeah sure I'll ask him." Ethan says before opening the door and walking out.
A/N: Thank you all so much for commenting and messaging me! It means so much! I'm so happy you are enjoying my book. Comment and tell me what you think about Noel? ❤

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