Don't you remember

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"Yeah i.. i thought you liked it when i called you that" raymund said sounding a bit nervous. " i do its just someone always used to call me that when i was younger. " and do you remember his name?" " no but i remember always calling him by his last name. Jems. cause anytime i looked him in his eyes i would get lost in them. they looked like small blue Jems." realization hit me. he looked me in my eyes and said " hey anns you miss me" i crushed him in a hug and kissed him passionatly. i cant believe i get to see him after all of these years. 

flashbacks of our past tgether suddenly filled my mind. 

 I was about 7 years old, and so was Raymund. we were running through the garden of rose bushes in the medow. i fell and scrapt my knee. i was hurt so bad. when raymund saw that i was hurt he carried me home. " dont worry anns, it'll be alright" it was then that i blacked out.

when i woke up i was met with the most amazing crystal blue eyes.  he saw that i was awake and gave me a bone crushing hug. it was then that i realized that i really and truly loved him.  

-- but we couldnt be together because dad and i moved to the falls. visions of me looking out the window and into his tearing eyes waving goodbye at me filled my thoughts. 

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