"N-no!" I yelled through a voice crack. "I can't touch you!"

He shook his head, grabbing me up in his arms anyways. I struggled at first, sobbing messily into his shirt as I tried desperately to shove him away, but he wouldn't budge. I eventually melted into him, my arms hanging loosely around his waist.

Carl and I worked for a man named Artur. His goal was to somehow find a way back to a different world called Irellia, where vampires originally are from. Carl and I were thrilled to be a part of his work, thinking that we could somehow find a way back to my homelands where I grew up. But when he found the answer in a seventeen year old girl who had elf in her blood, allowing her magical powers that apparently involved the portal to Irellia, I backed out. I wasn't going to harm an innocent girl, and I told Artur the same day I told you I wouldn't be drinking your blood. I decided my main priority was you now, and maybe, after you were gone, I could see if things had changed. If they hadn't, life goes on. That's when I found out Carl didn't have the same idea, and had sensed that I was going to resign after I had found you. He manipulated you into thinking you were going to escape to Greenland, and lured you to the airport where you were captured by Artur's men and held captive as a way of forcing me to work with them. Obviously that ended badly... for both them and you. But the thing is now; you're a Gold vampire, capable of absolutely anything. They know that now, hence why they sent those two vampires to get you... Artur will do unspeakable things to get his hands on you, whether it's to persuade you into opening a portal, or draining the magic from you until your shriveled and dead. Either possibility is wrong and could result in your death, which is why we need to leave.

I pulled away from him, processing that information. Artur was hunting me because of this monstrosity I carried in my very touch. I was death itself, and he wanted me. I looked at my pale white hands, noticing how my skin was much noticeably whiter now. I then looked at Peter, noticing that he wasn't a mist of black dust.

"How come I can't kill you?" I asked timidly, still peering at my hands in wonder.

"Because you're my soulmate now. Even if you tried, you would be incapable of physically harming me, same goes to me as well."

Soulmates? I briefly remembered Carl mentioning this when he had first told me about Peter. Carl. I bristled at the very thought of him. His smiling face sunk into my brain, stained red with my rage. I hated every ounce of him. He was the reason I was here, I trusted him more than I trusted myself, and he betrayed me. My eyes flashed to Peter's and he looked taken back by my rage.

"Where is Carl now?" I asked, anger evident in my voice. My hands were clenching and unclenching at my sides, and Peter's eyes glassily flicked to them quickly before staring at me again.

"I don't know."

This time, when my fingers shook, it was with pure fury. When I did find him, I would not only absorb his life essence, but I would quite literally strangle him to death before my powers could even begin to work. I jumped when Peter placed a hand on my shoulder, infusing me with false calm.

"You need to sleep; we'll leave in the morning." He said. His touch faded for a moment, before it returned less than a split second later, along with a breeze that ruffled my already disheveled hair. Peter handed me a suitcase, and I recognized it as the one that carried my clothes from when I had tried to escape to Greenland. I took it gingerly, my cheeks flushing a deep shade of red.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, looking at the ground.

"Why would I be mad?"

"Because I—." I paused, looking up to face him. "Because I tried to... run away."

If Peter was in fact angry, he didn't show it, and his emotionless face remained emotionless. After a moment he shook his head, but I didn't fail to notice the way a muscle twitched in his jaw as he did so. I nodded back at him, grabbing my suitcase hastily and letting him lead me out of the room and into a hallway. My eyes blurred with tears, and a wash of guilt and embarrassment flooded my brain. I was a mess tonight, my emotions were running everywhere, and it seemed that I was now crying over everything that went wrong.

Peter led me up a long wooden staircase at the end of the hall, and down another hall at the top of the staircase.

"This is your room, there's a bathroom inside and the rest of your bags—." His speech halted when he turned and saw my torn expression. I tried to wipe away my tears before he could see them, but he caught my hands in his, trapping them.

"I'm not mad at you." He said, leaning down close to whisper in my ear. "I'm only angry at myself for giving you a reason to run away." He pressed his lips against my cheek, before turning and leaving me alone in a blur of color. I clutched at my heart, shaking my head at myself. I entered the room, shutting the door behind me.

A part of me wanted to turn and never step into this room again, but the other part of me was too tired to care. Everything was white, much like the beach house. The bed was white, the floor was blanketed in white carpet, and the walls seemed to trap me in its own version of hell. I bit my lip, opening my suitcase and picking out a random pair of pajamas before stripping off my clothes right where I stood.

I caught my reflection in a mirror across the room, and attentively stepped closer to it, inspecting myself. My ribs poked out through my skin in an unhealthy looking way, and my arms and legs were uncharacteristically thin. I realized that I hadn't eaten a full and decent meal since... since as long as I could remember, and since Peter was feeding on me... I looked down at myself, looking for the bite-mark on my arm. I rubbed at my skin, feeling for the indents, and a wave of surrealism hit me when I felt none. I peered at my thighs and on my neck, elation pouring through my nerves like some sort of high.

The reminders of my hellish life had vanished, erasing themselves from my body and eventually, from my memory. The one good thing that had come out of becoming a vampire. With a smile bright on my face as the discovery smothered all the other problems I was currently developing a serious case of anxiety over, I gathered my pajama's and put them on. Leaping into the disgustingly white bed, I buried myself under the covers; my eyes wide open as my body heat warmed the freezing sheets.

My eyelids fluttered slowly shut, and the last thing I remembered was an uncomfortable aching in my jaw and the rumble of my stomach.


Ugh, this chapter... 

I am so sorry this took so long to get out.

I honestly have no excuses. I wrote a small amount every month or so, meaning to finish it but knowing me I probably got distracted and started doing something else. 

Anyways, hope you enjoyed! See ya in the next chapter! (Which will come out much much quicker than this one did!)


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