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Once, many years ago, humans and monsters had lived together on the Surface in peace. But over time, the monsters hardened themselves to the humans and began to ransack their villages, plundering, murdering, slaughtering.

The humans hid for many nights as they watched their world burn. But seven of the human magicians sacrificed themselves through a spell that locked monsters underground. To this day, they remain underneath Mt. Ebott, slowly rotting away.

"Some village legend," you muttered darkly, staring at the vast pit below you. For the first time in your life, you felt nothing. A deep calm had settled over your thoughts, washing away any sort of remorse or fear. The wind ripped through your [H/C] hair, as if to mock you, urging you onwards.

You closed your eyes, listening for anything. Anything to pull you away from here, away from this damned place. If someone had come, begged you to come back to the village, you would have listened.

But that was the point, wasn't it?

There was no one.

All at once, a band of raiders had swept through the village, killing anyone on sight. Hundreds of years of history had been wiped away in a single night. Entire blood lines went extinct at the mercy of their blades.

You had been hunting, providing the much needed food for your family. You had been left with the burden of carrying for your three younger sisters, all whom were barely old enough to walk. Your father had wasted himself away in front of the fireplace, slowly drinking away his sorrows. Your mother had abandoned the five of you a year ago.

I'll be back soon, she had promised, taking off with some lone traveler.

You had returned the next day to see the heads of each of your family members mounted on a pole, eyes ripped out of their skull. The same had been done for every other member of the village.

And that had been the course of events leading up to your suicide. There was nothing to go back to, nothing to live for.

And you jumped.

The feeling of falling was exhilarating. You couldn't help but let out a sadistic laugh as the sky slowly faded into nothing more than a blue dot. A few seconds passed and a feeling of horror had manifested itself in your stomach. What if you never hit the ground? What if you were trapped in some bottomless pit as some sick joke, forced to live with the fact that you had tried to take your life and failed?

Any doubts you had a few seconds ago were vanished as you hit the ground and died.

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