Chapter 2

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Y/n drove back home in her car with Yoosung in the passenger seat. Even after 2 hours from the whole cake fiasco bits and chunks of cake were still falling from her hair. She'd thought she had got most of it out but-

" Man is that cake in her hair, and what's those stains on her clothes?" Whispered on guy. Y/n looked at them through the corner of her eye. The other guy leaned over to the first. " I don't know man but my guess is that she'd been-"

Y/n groaned letting the memory decapitate. Yoosung stared at her while she hung her head, then set her eyes back on the road. Yoosung began to move in his seat a bit, worried for his friend and his well being as thoughts about her taking her eyes off the road again ran through his mind.

" Hey um Y/n, are you oka-" Yoosung words dropped as Y/n made a sharp turn, making the car tilt a bit. Yoosung hit his seat and held on tight as Y/n sped up. She was truly a bad driver. Yoosung turned back to Y/n. Her eyes were overshadowed with gloom.

He gulped, and attempted talking to the ray of sun shine again. " Um Y/n maybe you could slow down a bit... I'm mean just enough so we don't- you know, die?" Y/n's one eye sparked as she quickly turned her head to glare at Yoosung. He nervously chuckled and quickly dismissed his judgement on her driving.

Wow girls are scary. I wonder what's its called when girls get moody again? Period? Maybe shes going through that? Yoosung plopped his elbow on the window and looked at to see the trees and houses passing by. Well I hope she gets better soon.

As Y/n pulled up to her apartment building sure enough another car was already there. " Geez can I at least get in my house first before this guy just decides to invite himself inside." Y/n said stepping out the car. Yoosung didn't even bothering trying to talk to her. Afraid that she might snap on him considering her current mood today.

Y/n and Yoosung walked up the steps and stopped at the door 215. Y/n banged on the door as she shouted to Seven to open up. " Seven, come open my door!"

" Who is it?" Said a cheery voice through the other side. A tick mark appeared on Y/n's head as she banged on the door again. " Seven I don't have time for this, just opening the freaking door! " Y/n yelled catching the attention of a passing mother and daughter.

" Don't mind us." Yoosung said trying smile as they passed. Y/n was practically screaming loud enough for the people outside the apartment to hear her.

Seven just giggled from the other side of the door. " Not until you say the magic password. "

" Skip it." Y/n said pulling out her keys. When she placed the key in the hole and tried to turn it it didn't budge. Seven just giggled again and tisked. " Nope, sorry Y/n but you have to give the password. And all you have to do to get it right is just think-of-me."

Y/n sighed and placed her head on the door. She put all her weight onto the door and thought for a moment. " Okay let me guess, hmmm is it... 707 the defender of justice?" ...

There was a clicking sound and Y/n's ears perked up.  The last click was made door flew open. Y/n feel and landed into a chest and felt arms wrap around her. She looked up to see Seven holding her smiling. " Correct. "

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