Stomach tied in Knots

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My mind and body told me to let go, but something prevented me from doing so. I tried my best to slip from that cliff, but I couldn't physically let go. I felt the pain and I knew it would go away if I let go, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't.

I just layed there collecting flies. My stomach tied in knots of pain and anxiety.

Soon I heard a muffled yell. It was hard to make out from the ringing of my ears, but I made out, "OH MY FUCKING GOD RICKY!!?"

I tried to give some signs that I was alive but I was practically dead. So I just took a deep pain filled breath proving my exsistance. The voice ran over to me and put their hand on my hip careful not to touch the blood seeping from my midsection.

"RICKY IM GONNA GET HELP YOU JUST JUST HOLD ON, OK?!", The echoing faded out as the voice ran away towards the building.

I guess that stood for nothing assuming they were trying to reassure me, obviously it failed because I passed out and stopped breathing! Easing myself into a warm, milky, bright colored, darkness.

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