31. Love In Memories

Start from the beginning

“Not quite…” Came the cheerful voice of Anton. He had a sly grin and he winked at Hershel. “There’s a little something we have to do first.”


“CHEERS!” came the roar of hundreds of people, all crammed into the Anderson mansion.

Three months had passed since that time of illusion, now called: ‘The Week of the Purple Phoenix’. The people of the world had finally come to understand that the revived loved ones were all just illusions. Even so, they were thankful that they could have these few extra days with the ones they lost.

The purple sky had not gone unnoticed, and because the sky was covered with the Dream Net, or illusion field, it had brought back that which was now ashes, hence the phoenix part.

Anton wanted to celebrate for a number of reasons. Of course, there was the foiling of a villain’s plans, but there was so much more to celebrate. It was a time to celebrate those we loved, as we never know if we might lose them. They had experienced more than enough in that eventful time, and so relishing the time you have with the ones you love is something that Anton wanted to ensure everyone could understand. He would have celebrated at his own castle, had it not been destroyed.

The Anderson mansion was the next best place and all the residents of Folsense were already over in Dropstone, so it made the whole thing much easier. Of course, the whole town had to be invited to the party, or “it wouldn’t be a part!” Anton stated enthusiastically.

As the party clinked their glassed and once more spread out to enjoy themselves, Anton walked over to a nearby seat and plumped himself down with a tired gasp.

He took a sip of his wine and then grimaced. The past three months had not been easy.

As well as settling in after the troubling time, there was something big he still had yet to go over. The day that Dream Net fell and all the illusions disappeared.

That was the departure of Sophia.



The small squadron gave another tug at the rope attached to the Gatherer and pulled with all their might.

 The large mechanical man would not budge and the police took a quick break to wipe off their sweat and catch their breath.

Hershel and the others had begun to head out of the forest and back towards the town. Soon enough, reporters would be here and they wanted to get away from all that.

Anton stated that he would join them a little later, and before Katia could protest, she saw the look in his eyes and nodded, saying no more and leaving him be.

With a heavy heart, he turned back to his love and closed his eyes.

“Do not cry for me.” Sophia stated, walking over and holding his hands in hers. “I am still here and yet you know I am an illusion. That means you cannot let go of me. When that thing falls though, I don’t want your heart to break. Anything but that. I want you to remember that I was here for you and that is all that matters.”

“It’s not just that!” He cried, throwing his arms around her and sobbing into her shoulder.

After a while he stopped and tried to look her in the eyes without tearing up again.

“It’s… I avoided you those few days because I was ashamed, afraid. Whatever you want to call it. I didn’t take the time to be with you, illusion or not an illusion. It is just how I missed out of the life of the real Sophia. I never got to grow with you!”

Professor Layton: Love In All AdversitiesWhere stories live. Discover now