O n e : H i s E y e s

135 20 15

Tasha's POV

I stare at the faded photo in my locker door, my eyes straining in pain. Not here, not now Tash, so I take a deep breath and close my locker door. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and began my journey to AP Math, bringing my binder closer to my chest.

I can feel my eyes dampening every second, but I didn't want to lose it right now. It's been five and a half years and still I'm not over it.

Suddenly, something jabs at my stomach and naturally I grab my attackers arm.

"What the hell? You just walked into me yet you act like I'm trying to fight you!" the gray eyed boy complains. I sigh in relief when I remember I'm only in school. I take notice of the guy and realize he's the transfer student that started this year, Ryder Delgado. His Spanish origins mean he has a tanned complexion, quite the opposite from my almost ghostly white skin. The messy mop on his head looks like he just woke up, not like he was trying to get the bed head look, but like he literally didn't have time to do his hair this morning.

Just like me, he's an outcast. But I'm an outcast for a different reason. I don't like to socialize with people. I come to school so I can have a better future, not so I can open my legs for any guy that comes knocking. Also, the people here, they think I'm a freak because I always have bruises on me. It's not exactly easy to hide black and purple marks when your as white as a sheet of paper. No doubt there's millions of rumors going around about why, but I don't care. Ryder, however, apparently he did something in the past and everyone's scared of him. I don't know what he did, I don't really pay attention and it's not like anyone tells me about this stuff.

"Hello?" He snaps his fingers in my face, clearly getting irritated.

"Whatever just leave me alone asshole," I sigh and leave.


I sit at the back of the Chemistry lab and stare out of the window. The bell rings and exactly in sync, a new, much younger teacher enters the room.

"As you all should know by now Mrs Harper has left on maternity leave, so I will be taking over your chemistry class. As I don't know any of you, I assigned you all lab partners and arranged a seating chart. If you could all stand in a line at the back of the lab please," a series of groans erupt through the class at the idea of a seating chart. Even I scowl, knowing I'll be separated from my desk at the back. Nonetheless, we all obediently stood at the back, waiting to be told where to sit.

"Mr Delgado and Miss Prescott," she states, pointing to the second desk from the back. I suppose that isn't too bad. However, it wasn't until after I sat down did I process it.

"Oh my fucking god, why is life so cliche!" I exclaim, out loud for the world to hear without thinking. The teacher looks at me for a moment but carries on with telling people where to sit, deciding against telling me off. Smart move teach! I wasn't gonna listen anyway.

"Well it's nice too see you too," Ryder rolls his eyes at me.

"Shut up Delgado," I rest my head on my hand. I'm a tired girl, it's not like I had time to sleep last night.

"Look I'm sorry I was having a bad morning I didn't mean to lash out at you," he apologizes. I lift my head up and stare at him, trying to figure out what game he's playing.

"Okay sure thing whatever, I can't be bothered to deal with this shit," I brush him off.

"So hi, I'm Miss Martin, and I'll be taking your lesson. But to tell you the truth, I still need to sort out a lot of things and figure out where you are and what we need to go over, so just take this hour to go through lesson notes and do whatever. No funny business though," Miss Martin explains, leaving us to do what we want.

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