Part 6

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Delirious POV
They were just talking. Vanoss had said that he felt great and Delirious believed him. Vanoss gave a small stretch and began to scream. Fear ran through Delirious as he pondered what happened to Vanoss.
Vanoss’s chest rose and feel really fast as he huffed his way through another scream. His eyes were full of fear. Clearly he had no idea what was wrong with himself either.
Doctors and nurses ran in at his sudden screams and pulled the cover off of him. The gash that had been along his side had reopened sending the pain and massive amounts of blood.
He could see the love of his life fighting to stay awake. It was a valiant effort that he gave as he slipped into his own darkness.
Tears filled his eyes. He wanted to run over and hug Evan tightly and never let him go. The team knew that he was in the doctors way so they pulled on him as he struggled. Their effort finally succeeding as they pulled him into the hallway.
Turning to look at the rest of his friends he fell to his knees.
He stayed there crying silently until no more tears would fall. He was afraid of loss of losing his lover again.
He knew eventually they would come out and tell him of his condition. The only words he did not want to hear was “Sir. We are sorry for your loss.” Any other words would be a blessing so long as they were not those words.
A doctor came out. His face was sweaty but he looked pleased with himself.
“He’ll be alright sir.  He’s just really weak right now and I stress him being careful. If the stiches pull again.  It could mean his life. Do you even know how he got his injuries?”
Delirious thought a moment and shock his head no. He had no idea how Vanoss had gotten his injuries all he could say was who they were from. But the other words soon took hold. He would live.
Not wanting to wait a moment he ran into the room and planted his ass on the seat next to his lover. He would stay here 24/7 until Evan was released from the hospital.

Vanoss POV
I woke up again feeling like absolute shit. My entire body screamed in the effort of just trying to say Delirious’s name.
I couldn’t do it. I was just too damn weak. But I had to let him know somehow that I was awake. I tried again with speaking his name. This time managing to say “Del?”. He looked towards me and saw that I had my eyes open.
He shuffled forward in his seat and grabbed my hand. I winced in pain as he held my broken hand. Realizing this he took his hand off. I didn’t even have the strength to tell him to just keep his hand there.
Between the stretch off my last going unconscious to now when waking up I lost a lot of what strength I had. This was one thing I couldn’t deal with. I didn’t want to be weak not in front of Delirious and not in front of my gang. The catchers I swear were going to get it. I just needed to figure out how they would.
Closing my eyes the tears fell down my cheeks I was afraid of falling unconscious again, I was more afraid of dying and leaving everybody I cared about behind. If they could only hear my thoughts. 
I opened my eyes and looked over at Delirious. I made yet another attempt at speech. “how... are... you... guys?” each word came out as a struggle and was all between breathes.
The rest of my crew poked their heads up like gophers. I hadn’t realized that they were in the room. They came forward and all nodded that they were fine. Relief washed over me as I finally knew my crew was ok.
A doctor came in. “Good you’re awake. These guys never left your side.” I smiled and all but Jonathan stepped out of the room. I guess it was time for my check up. In my head I snickered. This was going to hurt.
Checking my pulse, my IV lines everything. The doctor poked and prodded every inch of my injured and aching body. Making decisions I couldn’t comprehend the doctor walked away.
I wanted to get out so bad. I just wanted to move and speak and kiss Delirious and hell go on missions with the gang.
After a few weeks. I was getting better. Casts were coming off (because I apparently heal quick.), stitches were coming out and I was more full of energy. I was proud of myself and of my team for showing the world that just because we are the Animals doesn’t mean we can’t care either.
Within a month and a half I was being released. I felt great. Everything was fine with my body and all the guys were better too. I was ready to get back on the high horse of crime. Being the puppet of Satan an God in the same respect. Whatever you wanted to say. We already had a mission lined up and I prayed to God it would go well. 

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