Look into your heart <3

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Now sitting on my comfy bed, I touched his arm and he repelled in shock, but brought it back. Smirking, he placed a hand on my cheek and stroked it softly. He lunged for the kiss. I darted back, eyes wide.

"We need to talk." I said, smiling.
"Go on." Nathanial encouraged.
"I need you to look into your heart. And feel it. What does your heart feel?" I said, gently placing his hand on his heart.
"Nothing...I...just feel it beating."
"Well, you aren't looking and feeling enough. Try harder, please. Try closing your eyes, it'll help."
I spotted Cat Noir in the corner of my eye. How did he get in so quietly? I nodded a hello and then realized he had a thing for me. I did what most people do- blush. Hot pink speeded around my cheeks like wildfire, and I felt a little drawn to him. Cat Noir smirked and hid behind a beam
"I can sense something. Something pure. It's pure magic." Nathanial murmured.

"Yes! Now open up that pure magic, let it spread around you, opening up any sore dark holes and let it erase them for you." I continued, smiling.
 Suddenly Hawkmoth communicated with him, and my smile vanished, replaced with anger. Hawkmoth will not win!

"I can't, I can't feel anything now." Evillustrator opened up his eyes and stared into mine. His eyes were blank and no warmth came across them.
"Try again. This time, let nothing interrupt you. Let your free pure magic race around you! Let it fill you with happiness!" I exclaimed enthusiastically.

I feel..very..Happy! Do you know why?" He asked.
"Because I love you. And... you love me back. Love conquers evil. I feel happy because we can finally love each other forever."
Oh no how will he recover from this? I can't just carelessly break his heart in a click of my finger. I feel so sorry for him. Wait, rewind....

Evillustrator just said Love conquers Evil. Just what Rose said last week when Kim was akumatized!

I kissed Cat Noir and he was free from the reaches of evil! I know what I have to do. And Cat Noir's not going to like it.

My lips slammed right onto Nathanial's. This kissed was the most passionate and true kiss I've ever done and I sensed pure magic fizz around us. Dark magic tried to get in but Love conquers Evil. And Nathanial kissed back, grabbing my head and back too. Warnings exploded inside me and for once, I ignored them.

Suddenly we weren't sitting on my bed anymore. We were in front of the Eiffel Tower, me, Cat Noir, Evillustrator, Tikki and many other people watching the mysterious white swirls of Pure magical energy surround us. Cat Noir's face was unexpressionable ( Made that up ). He was speechless, staring at us and gasping. Tikki hide behind a small bush watching, smiling as the power of good took out all the evil in Nathanial. 
Nathanial and I were in the air, still kissing, but then force broke us apart.
"Marianette!" Cat Noir called out and ran forwards, only to bounce back with shock.
 Bright white magic covered Nathanial, and covered me too. Soon I couldn't see anything but white, pure magic. I spun around, something was applied to me. My skin was shining, hair was shining- what was happening? This lasted for a few more seconds, and eventually the white broke away and I landed on two feet. I swiveled round to see Nathanial, the real Nathanial, with his pen and sketchpad by his side.
He was detransformed!
I ran over to him, and helped him up, then bent over to grab his things to give to him. Nathanial looked me up and down, which I should say is a bit ermmm..... but then he said, "Wow Marianette you look so pretty!  You practically glowing!"

That's when I looked down. And saw the most amazing prettiest dress ever! It was one of those short on the front long on the back dresses that flowed in the summer breeze. I had a 'U' neck and was sleeveless. A ladybug and paw print were stitched into a corner on the bottom and the top was sparkly white and the bottom half was faint red with black spots, like a ladybug. My hair was down with a pretty red bow in it, and that too was decorated with bold black spots. My purse was still pink and still had the trademark 'M' on it but it was sparkly now, it had a ladybug and paw print on it.
I still had my earrings on and they sparkled and shone in remaining sun that was sinking down, ready to welcome the silver moon. My shoes were cute flats and they had a mini bow on each, again decorated with sparkles and black dots.

I felt beautiful. I was beautiful. I looked over to Cat Noir, who was still on his bottom rubbing his head. He looked up. His eyes met mine. He smirked. The Adrien smirk. I smiled and ran over to him.
"Cat Noir! Are you OK?" I asked, helping him up and hugging him tightly.
"WOAH! I didn't expect a hug from you, milady. I owe you one. You helped turn Nathanial back to his normal self, and I respect that. Hey, you wanna hang out some time?" He asked, taking my hand and gently guiding me to Nathanial, who was staring at me blushing.
"Um....sure! Where should we hang out?" I said, looking back at Cat who also seemed to be blushing. Two people falling for me already? All we need is Adrien to complete it.

"Tonight, in the park. I'll meet you there, what you're wearing is fine."
"That's a date! Not a proper date, but..err.... you know, a date but not-a-date!" I blurted out, my self-conscious self creeping up me again.
Cat chuckled.
"Just pretend it is a date milady." He whispered in my ear, and with that, he took off showing off his latest moves.
I'm going on a date with... Cat Noir?!

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