Cat Noir to the Rescue!

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"Jeez Louise how did this happen?" Cat points his claw at us, and smirks a smirk I know Adrien would smirk (So many Smirks I know!).
"Cat Noir help!" I said a little annoying and charmed at his naivety.  I repelled suddenly as the weight on Evillustrator was removed off me. Oh god. I always make mistakes! I didn't mean to hurt Nathanial.
"Oh sorry Evillustrator, I didn't mean to offend you! I still like you!" The last sentence was a downright lie. But I do like him. As a friend ( I had explained this before!). I winked at Cat Noir, and he smirked yet again.
Nathanial looked down on me, inspecting me, checking to see if what I said was true. I'm trying hard not to let him see past the fake truth. Somehow he seemed to accept it. Evillustrator grabbed his pen and erased my shackles. All of them. I was free!

"Now choose." The sudden harshness in his voice made me flinch. He could be so sweet when he wanted to be but arrogance reigned over him while he was akumatized.
"Choose?" I stammered. I looked over at Cat Noir, the brave, the glorious, the pun-maker and the annoying.
And then I glanced at Evillustrator, the quick leaf turner, the evil akumatized, and the poor lost boy underneath the layers of evil make up. I saw who needed help the most. I saw who I needed to change. I had to change his heart. I need to stay with Evillustrator.

"Nathanial." I mumbled, looking at the ground. And suddenly, there it was, my trusty Pink Purse! I grabbed it and swung it over my shoulder. Wait, was Tikki still in there?

"WHAT?! Marianette he's evil! HawkMoth did this!" Cat Noir screamed at me, using his arms to emphasize massively.
"I know but Evillustrator needs help. His heart is cold but there are strands of purity in it. I need to change his heart. He needs to change Cat." I explained, placing a hand on his heart. Somehow this triggered Cat. He lunged forward and scratched Evillustrator on the face, and just when Evillustrator flung his hands to aid his face, he grabbed me by the waist and leapt out of the door.
"Wait!!!!! Evillustrator! I need to change him back! I'm the only person who can!" I yelled as he crashed open the doors towards the exit. I took in my surroundings.
Okay.... which building in Paris has large storage areas? With tons of boxes stacked high up on shelves? Only the museum and a shopping department. Which building says "Le centre commercial" on it? ( I did French in school and I still remember some!) The shopping centre! I'm Paris's shopping centre?

"CAT NOIR!" A screech behind us. I turned my head to the location of the voice. Evillustrator, now bigger and ripe muscles replaced the saggy limp biceps. My guess was it was HawkMoth's doing. To be honest he did look a little more attractive.....

"Hold on little Lady!" Cat Noir's charming voice said as he slammed the emergency exit doors and made it outside. Wait, how did Cat Noir know where I was? Now that I think about it, Cat Noir didn't even know where I was to begin with.
"Hey, I'm not a little lady!" I joked, pulling one strand of his golden blonde hair. Just like Adriens....
The clues were adding up.
But I'm not sure if it was true.
Could Cat Noir be....Adrien?
I suddenly felt very self-conscious, and covered my arms with my hands, in hope he wouldn't look at them and be disappointed.
I started to recognize my surroundings. We were right next to the Eiffel Tower, in fact we were going up the Eiffel Tower.

Bit by bit, Cat Noir's trusty stick took us up a meter higher, until we reached the top. The view was breathtaking, it really was. It wouldn't of been so perfect if Evillustrator hadn't drawn a jetpack and flew up here.
"Stay here, I'll manage. I say, why isn't Ladybug here? She's always here and she would never let me down. Ever." Cat Noir mumbled and put me down. Did I ever mention that being on a 300 meter high building really scared the hell outta me? (Look it up, the Eiffel Tower is 300 meters!).
When Cat Noir and Evillustrator were out of view, I held my purse up high and tried in vain to open it. I didn't have to try so hard- it somehow magically opened on it's own!
Wasn't there.
"What is this?" Evillustrator held up a red 'bug-mouse' and tossed it in the air.

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