Dark Core Magic

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"Tikki!" I screamed as she plunged into my purse.
"I can still hear you! I can't get out! The magic is too strong! Listen to me! I'm going to build up the strength day after day.... I'm not sure when I'll be ready... maybe in a week's time. Then you can transform and take him down! But then you have to detransform and release the akuma as Marianette! Okay? Good Luck!" Tikki squealed. 
"Luck? I'm ladybug! Ladybug's are signs of luck! I'm ready to take Nathanial down!" I said. My legs whisked me outside of the bakery at once and I found myself walking towards the park. On one of the benches was Evillustrator. I gulped. I put on a scared look and I uncontrollably sat down right next to him. I could sense his magic. It was very strong and dark.

"Marianette darling. You have come to me! My sweet girl we will be together forever!" He lisped, grabbing a pen and getting out his sketchpad. He drew some ropes and they appeared out from the sky. Ropes? Why ropes? Oh no. I had to get out of here. Fast. I had to run away.

"HELP!!!" I screamed as Evillustrator approached me, a rope in his hands. He was going to tie me up. I knew it. I had to get away.
"HEELLPP!" I screamed louder, using every muscle in my body to break the Dark Core Magic containing me here. I focused hard on good magic- maybe this will help? I believe. I believe in good magic. Think Positive!
"Do not resist my sweet dear Marianette, just let me tie you up and we will be together forever! Come one!" Evillustrator was closer, he evaded my personal space. What had Hawk Moth done? Nathanial was sweet nice guy and he had turned him into a monster!

"Arghh!" Evillustrator dropped the ropes and I instantly grabbed them to tie him to the tree. Did the positive thinking approach work? A long thin black tail exited my view. Nope. It didn't work. I think a flirty black cat is here to save the day.
I hid behind a tree as Evillustrator flung his pen over the wide blank space of paper. Knives and Blades appeared. They flew over to Cat Noir as I closed my eyes.
"Cat noir no!" I screamed stupidly, alerting Evillustrator of my place. He turned and smirked and said, " Come with me and Cat Noir will be saved. I promise." He held out his hand, and this time even Dark Core Magic didn't seep into my mind. I resisted it.
I saw Cat Noir. He was alright.
"Cat Noir! Help!" I shouted, waved over to him. He turned and smirked, the same smirk I think from Adrien. What if he was Cat Noir?! I shook my head and dismissed the idea, the same moment when Evillustrator was drawing furiously on his sketchpad. Oh no. A blindfold and more ropes. Oh no.
"Cat Noir please help!" I screamed, as the objects came to life. Cat Noir saw the objects and he knew what they were meant for. Evillustrator was going to kidnap me.
In a flash the objects rose towards me and they headed here. Just as the ropes were going to bind my legs, Cat noir raced towards me and took me into his arms.
"Noooo! Get back here Cat Noir! You have something that belongs to me!" Evillustrator shouting, drawing a pair of wings. We raced over roofs and like a little game of chase but then Evillustrator couldn't follow us. He bent over, his face covered with the Hawk mask. Hawk Moth was speaking to him!
Cat Noir and a I raced to my home, and down through the balcony and onto a soft landing on my bed. I immediately felt self-conscious, I don't know why. I can't be falling for Cat Noir! I have a massive crush on Adrien! I tossed my pigtails aside as Cat Noir leaned in. Was he going to kiss me? I looked around, anywhere but his eyes.
"Marianette!" A devilish manly shout as suddenly my balcony trap door was erased.
"Here we go for round two! This is Paw-sitivly Pawsome!" Urgghhhh. Cat Noir puns are punny (See what I did there!) for a while, but soon you can get tired of them. I could sense Dark Core Magic. It was stronger. An orange head popped through the ceiling. The head smiled eerily. Oh God. Evillustrator has grown stronger! Evillustrator's hand grabbed onto mine. His grip was literally steel. I tried to swat at his hand but nothing worked.

"Ahhh, poor Marianette! Soon you'll belong to me! And only me!" He cackled slowly, his flirtious eyes looking at me up and down. I blushed.
"It seems you will need and better dress for our wedding later."
I glanced worriedly at Cat Noir. He was speechless.
"But don't worry. I'm going to take you somewhere special. Somewhere only we know." He joked. That song was so old but it was my favorite! How did he know?
Evillustrator yanked me up. He drew a cloth with a toxic sign on it. Oh no. Please don't.
"Cat Noir!" I screamed as he slammed the sleepy gas cloth right on my nose, and helplessly then I fainted. Everything went black.

Miraculous - EvillustratorOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant