Chapter 39. A Bait.

Start from the beginning

He was baiting her. He wanted her to kill him.

"I couldn't do anything..." She says sniffing and looks up at me again.

"I know baby. I know..." I said in a pained voice.
"He just...left..." She says her voice breaking as she sobbed.

"The police came right after that. I begged them to let me stay with my brother. I told them. He would come back if he heard my voice. He knows I need him. They didn't listen to me. They just cuffed and took me away from him..."

I cup her face in between my hands and made her look at me.

"There was nothing you could have done. You need to understand that." I whisper.

She closed her eyes and shook her head.

"He needs to pay for what he did, Rage. I cant be your weakness. Thats why I stayed silent all this time. I needed you to stop worrying over me and make Zaine, pay for what he did to us. For what he did to...Timothy." She looks me in the eyes with a determination.
"I promise you..." I whispered.
"I promise you, Scar... I will make him pay." I said solemnly.

She closes her eyes and lets few tears slip down her eyes. Touching her forehead to mine, she sniffs.

"He was distracting us, Rage." She whispers.
"Why would you say that?" I ask opening my eyes.

"I just do..,He is planning something big. He had come back after Timothy died. He had told me he would come back for me. He has been planning on something, while the two of us were distracted. I know he is..." She whispers.

Opening her blood red eyes, she sniffs once more.

"I don't want to loose you, Rage. I cant loose you and our baby. I can't..." she begs.
"You won't..." I swore.
"I'll come back to you. No matter what happens. No matter where this end takes me. I'll always come back to you."


"No activities. None at all." I ask in disbelief, throwing the papers on my desk and facing Romero.

"Ever since Mrs. Díaz was convicted. He has been off the radar. We had been keeping a close eye on anything unusual. But nothing..." Romero says shaking his head in frustration.

I sit on my chair and leaned back.

"Keep looking." I said, dismissing and closed my eyes.
"Yes sir." He says.
I hear the door knob turning and the door to my office being opened.
I open my eyes as he turns around to face me.
"Sir..." Romero says before leaving out the door.
"Yes?" I ask..
"Congratulations on the baby girl...." Romero smiles.
I smile back and gave a nod.
Thats all I could.
After Martin's betrayal, I couldn't make myself trust anyone anymore. Unless its my wife.

Once he's gone, I have an ear to ear smile on my face.
We had an ultrasound yesterday.
Scarlett didn't want to be surprised by the baby's gender so we decided on finding out.

The community has been ecstatic about the news that the next heir would be a girl.
They already can't wait for her to take my place.

Little do they know....
Both of us, don't want to be a part of this life anymore.

Taking off my suit jacket, I shrug it off on the arm chair.
It was dark in my bedroom, since it was two in the morning and Scarlett's asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2017 ⏰

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