smile flower

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"Okay guys, gather around. It's time for our daily talk!" Seungcheol called out, hoping all the boys could hear him.

The sound of footsteps approaching replied back and everyone entered the practice room.

Seungkwan was whistling a melody as everyone sat down in a big circle. The door was closed and some of the lights were off. It set the mood for them to let out their feelings and end the day without any regrets. (the fact that they actually do this in real life and talk to each other as a big group everyday makes me really happy)

"Let's start off with talking about Carat Land! That was amazing!" Seungcheol looked at the others and smiled at the memories that were made.

Everyone's face lit up and they all started making comments about their fan event.

"It was so much fun!"

"The Sebong's looked so beautiful!"

"I loved it!"

"I got goosebumps when they were singing along!"

They continued talking about that for a while, all sharing their views on it. Laughter filled the room as they talked about the funny moments that happened.

"Vocal's team performance of Jam Jam was the best thing, hands down."

"The whisper challenge was hilarious as well!"

Everyone laughed except for one boy. Jihoon stayed quiet the whole time, horrible thoughts clouded his mind.

When the chatter finally seemed to die down and the boy quietly said, "What if we disbanded?"

A silence immediately fell over the boys and Seungcheol said, "I-I'm not sure."

Jihoon continued, "What if we're taking Carats for granted? Because I'm uneasy about that, I'm acting like this."

All 13 boys started thinking about that, wondering if they were taking their fans for granted. It was quiet for a while, everyone lost in their own thoughts.

"Remember Seventeen TV?" Seokmin broke the silence, a smile creeping onto his face.

Soonyoung piped in, "And Seventeen Project?"

The other boys started listing all of their happy memories together. They thought about how far they have come.

"One Fine Day?"

"Our first tour?"

"All of our fan-signings?"

"Travelling overseas?"

"All the awards we received?"

Sad smiles formed on their faces, they've been through a lot. So many memories were made together and they wanted to make even more in the future.

"I can't bear the thought of Seventeen breaking up," Seungkwan said quietly, looking at his best friends with worried eyes. "How would I be able to continue on?"

"I'm sorry," the small boy apologized, "I don't even know where this thought came from, it was out of nowhere. I just couldn't stop thinking about it for the past few days."

Jun rubbed Jihoon's back, hoping to comfort him.

"I've seen how our fans look at us," Wonwoo said, "There is so much care and love in their eyes, they are so beautiful."

Minghao spoke up, "Whenever I see them, it gives me power. They make me feel more loved."

Mingyu nodded his head in agreement, "I feel like there isn't anything we can't do."

"Carats keep on giving and giving to us," Joshua's voice was laced with love, "I love them so much."

Lyrics were forming in Jihoon's head.

Without holding back, I always feel like I am only receiving from you.

I'm afraid that I'll take you for granted.

Hansol's voice was filled with passion, "That's why I'm so thankful to our fans. I want to hug every single Carat in the world and thank them for supporting us and giving us so much love." The others nodded their heads in agreement.

Even if I want to hug you tightly, what is this hesitation that comes.

Uneasiness seemed to settle over the English speaking boy soon after, "What would happen to our fans if Seventeen broke up?"

That's why, I'm so thankful and even more sorry.

From a weariness that I don't know about, I don't want to be like this.

"I hope that Carats would never think of Seventeen disbanding. I don't want to imagine how hard it would be for them. I hope they would never have thoughts like these," Jeonghan thought about how their fans would feel and sadness washed over him.

Because I'm afraid I'll lose you, I ask that you aren't the same as me.

"When we are with them, I'm so happy," Chan said with a sad smile on his face. "But, they are able to make me cry as well." The boy looked down and fiddled with end of his sleeve. 

Because we're together, I'm able to smile,
And because it's you, I'm able to cry.

"I want to tell Carats that we will be by their side forever," Seokmin wished.

I'll stay by your side.

Jun finally spoke up and tried to bring light into their conversation, "If something were to happen to us and our Carats, we'll still be together."

Even if something really were to happen to us, we'll always be together like we have been.

Jihoon thought about all their fans and seeing their faces, "I hope we will be the reason for their smiles."

I will become the spring to your smiles.

Everyone nodded in agreement and silence fell over the boys again, they were all thinking about their future. Seungcheol broke the silence and said, "Hands in everyone."

All 13 boys put their hands together and grabbed onto each other's thumbs. Proudly showing their matching rings, the boys felt connected. Already, a sense of unity and reassurance filled them.

Their leader promised, "Let's stay together forever and continue to grow like flowers! We will blossoms into a beautiful and talent group. No matter what, we will have each other's back. We are brothers and I love you all so much."

Sounds of agreement left everyone's mouths since they all felt same way. Seventeen was a strong family that will never break apart.

"Say the name!" Seungcheol grinned as he looked at his family.


All the boys smiled and thought about what their bright future holds for them. Their spirits were lifted and they only thought about the good things.

No matter when and where you are, even if we're unable to be together,
We will always, like we have, have smiles blossom.


Written: March 25, 2017
Edited & Published: April 1, 2017

I hope this didn't suck, I sort of like it? The video made me cry an ocean (im still crying). These boys have come so far and even though I haven't been a Carat for long, I'm still so proud of them.

I hope they will continue to grow into beautiful men and a successful group.
I hope they know that they are loved so dearly.

Thank you, Seventeen. Thank you for everything.

~ carrot girl

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