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Three months later.........

Gotham city had transformed into a beautiful city once again due to Bruce's magic. The castle stood tall in the middle of the city and one single window was open.

Bruce sat on the seal and signed looking at the stars in the sky. "Father..?" He jumped slightly and looked at Damian and smiled.

"Hello Damian, come in, you know you're always welcome." He said as Damian and the boys came in closing the door.

"What's wrong?" Dick asked leaning against the seal and Bruce looked at them. "Nothing...why would you think something's wrong?" He asked with a wearily smile.

"It's snowing in your room." Jason pointed out as Bruce looked at the little snowflakes falling. He sighed as he petted Ace.

"It's just...I don't know..." He said and Tim frowned. "Aren't you happy here? You have a family, friends and a boyfriend. What else could you want?" He said softly as the others glared at him.

"Genius, he's a fucking Prince now, Alex is acting like his grandfather and Alfred's along with him. They are making him act like a Prince, dress, behave,talk and walk like one also." Jason said as Bruce groaned.

"I need to get out of here! I can't stay here, I'll have a panic attack with all these walls surrounding me." He said going back and flopping on the bed.

"I miss being myself, I miss being Batman.... I just want to go and...see things.." He said as they looked at him.

"Being this..." He gestured to his crown taking it off. "This is wonderful and all...but I wanna go and help Hal keep the world safe..." He replied and they heard a knock on the door.

"Prince Bruce, the King wants a word with you." A guard said as Bruce sighed. "I'm coming." He said grabbing his crown and smiled at the boys.

"Come on, let's not keep him waiting." He said as the boys smirked. "Let's race go!" They yelled running out the room and Bruce ran after them.

They ran into the throne room as Bruce stopped and stared at all the people looking at him. "You asked to see me?" He said looking at Alex who stared at him.

"A Prince doesn't run he-." "Takes his time with graceful moves like the wind." Bruce finished looking away. Alex nodded as he got up. "It appears that your crowning ceremony is going to be postpone." He said as Bruce blinked.

"Crowning? Okay so..." He trailed off looking at the queen who was glaring at Alex. He giggled getting her attention as she smiled and nodded. "What means to say dear, is that we have no children for the throne, so we have chosen you to be our heir." She said as Bruce blinked.

"Heir? Oh...oh no I couldn't possibly be a king..." He said as Alex looked at him. "I made a promise to your father...I told as soon as you're 29, you would be a king. He asked me to protect you like I would my own son. I think if you as such, and you will be a fantastic king." Alex said putting his hand on his shoulder.

"If anything you are kind of a princess since you are able to have children. But it's not the crown that makes you a king it's authority." Alex said as Bruce sighed.

"What if I say no?" He asked as Alex chuckled. "You have no choice, you may play the part, but we both know you're far from grown in nonhuman years. You have no choice in the matter. As the king, I know what's best for the heir." He said as Bruce glared at him.

"Well as the Prince, I know the king does not know what the hell he's talking about!" Bruce growled. Alex frowned and stared hard at Bruce.

"A Prince does not swear or raise his voice at his King. As your guardian, go to your room and I will speak to you later. Alfred, if you would." He said as Bruce froze the entire room.

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