The First One

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"You should brush your teeth. Your breath smells like onions." Lilly whispered, her lips dangerously close to my ear. 

"Well, there were onions on my sandwich. Jerk." I pushed her. She dramatically fell off the couch, her dress slipping up her tan thigh. I thought about kissing her. I could've just crawled over to her and kissed her while she lay there, looking as beautiful as ever. But I couldn't. There was no way she thought of me like that. To her, I was just the childhood-boy-next-door-best-friend. She would tell me about the boys she kissed. I would listen. I would never be on that list in a million years, oh no. Lilly Greene would kiss Ryan and Sean before she kissed me. Boy did I want to kiss her. She was still laying on the floor. Long, tan legs stretched across the white carpet. The straps of her dress slipping down her shoulder. Her brown hair was a mess on the carpet and I couldn't help but imagine what it would feel like to run my hands through it. I would kiss each freckle on her nose. There were 12; she asked me to count them once when we were eleven. 

"What are you staring at?" she threw a pillow at me.

"There's ketchup on your forehead and I was wondering how the hell you got it there." I smirked. Her hand flew up to her forehead in horror. It took her a second to realize that there was nothing there. Another pillow was thrown at my face. I took that as my cue to dramatically fall off the couch in an over-the-top-death-scene-from-a-movie type way. I lay on the floor next to her and watched the ceiling fan spin. And then suddenly she moved. She rolled over and sat on top of me, legs on either side of my hips and her butt dangerously close to areas that were definitely not prepared for Lilly Greene to be near them. She leaned her face in towards mine.

"Want to know a secret?" she whispered. I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I nodded. I wasn't sure if my voice could handle even a one-sylable word without cracking. And then she did what I had been thinking about for years. Lilly Greene kissed me. It was a kiss that I would never forget in my lifetime. It was a kiss that made me feel like I had never been alive until that moment. It was a kiss that shouldn't have ended. But it did.

"I've wanted to do that for so long." She smiled, and then she got up and walked out the door.

Remembering Lilly GreeneWhere stories live. Discover now