Day 4:

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Spoiler alert: I still don't remember anything.

However, I figured something out. I don't know why it took me so long to catch on. Honestly, I feel like such an idiot now. The voicemail is on my phone. I can listen to it whenever I want. I could be listening to it now. 

But I'm not. 

Do you want to know why I'm not? 

I honestly don't know. I missed a call from Sean this morning and I was looking through my call history and I saw it. Lilly. April 25th. 7:01 PM. 5 minutes and 17 seconds. I couldn't listen to it. I wanted to press play so badly. I wanted to hear her voice, relive what it was like to talk to her. But all I could think about was what happened when I heard it the first time. If it's that bad, there's no reason I want to hear it. I want to remember it like I want to remember everything else, but at the same time I don't. 

I think I can't listen to it because it'll prove what I'm worried about. 

I'm worried that her death is my fault. 

Remembering Lilly GreeneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora