All Hallows' Eve

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We found a secluded spot to talk to everyone. Less chance of someone listening in. Ryan took everyone in an abandoned area on the outskirts of town, making it look like we were scouting a Halloween party spot.

We all pulled into the empty parking lot and got out of the cars. We all stood in a circle.

"Are you sure?" asked Frazier.

"Positive," he said, handing the note to him, who read it, then passed it around. After everyone read it, Elena said, "I told you there might have been a serial killer in the house!" We all looked at her. "Well, it's possible."

Sometimes I wonder if they do not separate her and Frazier at birth.

"So, what now?" asked Jordan.

"Well, we can't move, and it's being swept for bugs as we speak, but it's still a possibility that someone is listening," Ryan told us.

"The question is, who is our unknown enemy," I whispered.

"The only way we can figure this out is going through a list of people that hate us," Marissa suggested.

The guys looked at each other. "Everyone," they all said.

"That's a big help," she said, rolling her eyes.

"I agree with Marissa," said Cole. "it's time to make a list and figure out their location."

"Okay, I'll list them, since I remember everyone," I said.

"How's that possible?" asked Dean.

The guys looked at him and collectively said, "Photographic memory."

"All right," he said.

"Let's start at the beginning, Mario?" I asked them.

"Out of the country," answered Ryan.

"Ashley?" I said.

"College in a different state," said Marissa.

"Frank," I said next.

"Serving twenty-five to life at a maximum correctional facility," responded Jordan.

"Bella," I mentioned.

"Institutionalize," said Jordan.

"Mario's goons," I added for good measure.

"The same place, Mario is," said Ryan.

"Max," I said.

"Serving time for sexual assault and attempted an assault," said Cole.

"Jules," I questioned.

"Mental facility," said Ryan.

"Max's frat brothers," I said, thinking about it.

"Serving time in jail," said Dean.

"Dean Stanford," I said.

"Jail for embezzlement," said Dean.

"The scholarship committee," I added.

"Most are dealing with the IRS, and some are in jail," said Cole.

I exhale deeply. "That's all I can think of."

"What if we're missing something?" Frazier asked.

"What do you mean?" Ryan asked.

"Well, the only time someone could get close to us was when they had a way in," he reasoned.

"Then what you're saying is, it could be any of us. That makes little sense," Ryan told him.

"It does if they know how to get close to us," Frazier said.

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