"This is Hardy, my boyfriend." Hardy emerged from behind me, and all of the fake tan drained from Alison's face, causing her to set her daughter down, she held onto her leg for dear life.

"We know each other." Hardy crossed his arms over his chest at her comment.

"Nice to see you too, Alison, why don't we catch up? Late lunch?" Alison picked up her daughter in a hurry, nodding. Her demeanor soon changed.

"Sounds good," She smiled at us. "I hope you two know what you're doing." I rolled my eyes at her arrogance.

We ended up having a nice lunch at the Elephant Bar. The food was crap, but it looked nice which sort of made up for it. I folded my hands over the table, as the waitress took our orders. Alison had gained a little bit of weight, which was completely normal for someone who had a daughter.

"Great, I'll be back with your orders." She said cheerily, Alison smiled politely and turned back to Hardy and me.

"So," She started, Marley was engrossed in her coloring, I'm sure if I blurted out something wildly inappropriate the only looks I would get would be a questionable glance from Hardy and a horrified glare from Alison, "I suppose Aria told you?" We nodded.

"Why would you lie to him, Alison? That's not how life works." Alison chuckled.

"It doesn't matter, Spencer. Ezra is perfectly happy with his life. He doesn't need 'You-Know-Who' in his life anymore, in fact, her dropping in only confuses him more!" I looked at her in disgust. "Besides Spencer, when I came back none of you befriended me. In fact, as far as I can recall, you were glad that Ezra was gone. You said it yourself, Spence. He ruined Montgomery, worse than anyone could ever predict."

"It doesn't matter," I slammed my hands against the table in frustration. "Aria deserves to know why he did everything that he did. What was really going on! No matter what you say, Hardy and I were his friends too. You're lying about his life, Alison. Do you think that if he knew what you did to him he'd still be in love with you? Are you that delusional?!" Marley's head perked up.

"What?" She was so innocent, oblivious to her mothers lies. Unfortunately, I knew her innocence would be replaced by something evil and wretched. Something not a soul could describe. Alison smiled soothingly at the girl.

"Nothing baby girl, keep drawing." She turned her head towards me. "It doesn't matter anymore, Spencer. None of it." I scoffed. Hardy broke from the silence.

"Don't forget that I am one vital piece to the puzzle, Ali. I know the game. He has a book published, about your game. He's a grown man who doesn't need you. The only thing that ties him to you is a book and your daughter. You cut me out after the crash. You knew I would tell him about Aria!" Hardy face turned red. He got a crazy look in his eyes that was - I won't lie - extremely hot. Alison leaned in close to us.

"Who do you think he'll believe? A duo who he doesn't even know, or his wife? So help me, I will get a restraining order. I'll do what it takes to keep my family safe, because it's just that, MY family. You won't talk or communicate with my husband or you will pay. And if you do happen to have a run in, you won't mention the truth about Aria or anything else related to that subject. If you cross me..." She chuckled, evilly. "We'll have to take this to the courts."

With that she picked up her daughter and strode out of the restaurant, only leaving behind a dirty threat on the table.


I stared at the wall with a blank expression. The spark when she shook my hand...I have never felt that feeling with anyone, not even Alison. Which brings me to the point to question Alison. The front door slammed and turned my head to see that it was exactly 4:45. Alison and Marley had gone out to have a mommy and Marley day, as she called it. I heard Marley run up the stairs and Alison drop what sounded like twenty paper shopping bags. Her heels clicked against the linoleum until I heard the double kitchen doors swing open, I could feel her smiling at me as she saw me on the living room couch.

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