"Hello there, Princess," Marcus replied to me. He bowed his head in respect with a smirk on his face, almost as if he was daring me to say something about it. He knew I wouldn't, at least not in front of the servants. They always would spread gossip about the Royals throughout the castle. I needed to talk to Marcus though, so I tried to think of a place we could go to talk without having the ears of the servants nearby.

"I need to speak to you in private. How about we go to the east garden? No one will be there," I told Marcus. Then I turned and walked toward the east garden, not looking back to see if he was following me. I knew he would. I found a couple of benches and sat down on one. Marcus soon followed suit on the bench beside me. I turned and looked at him.

"So what would you like to talk to me about, Princess?" Marcus asked me, still with a smirk on his face.

"Stop with all of that," I snapped. "You know what I want to talk to you about. Why did you push me out of the tree? You weren't even supposed to be at the castle that day. You were supposed to be at a pack meeting on your land. What else have you been lying about, Marcus?"

"I don't know what you're talking about. I was at the meeting all day. I didn't get home until later that night. Ask your mother. She's the first one I saw when I arrived. As for the tree incident, you fell. No one pushed you."

"Someone was in that tree, and I know it was you. Don't try to deny it." I stood up and started to walk away but Marcus grabbed my arm, hard.

"You may not want to believe me or do what I say now, but once the wedding is over, you will be mine," Marcus whispered in my ear. Then he let go of my arm and quickly walked away.

This was getting completely out of hand. I didn't care what people would think or tell me if I told someone about Marcus. I needed to tell someone even if they just told me to obey him because he was my soon-to-be husband. I wouldn't stand for this.

I went back inside the castle to find my mother. When I finally found her, she was in the parlor talking to Marcus. I only overheard the end of the conversation.

"...she will make a good bride and wife," Marcus told my mother. "Of course, as long as she obeys me."

"Oh, she will. I can tell that in time she will even grow to love you," my mother replied. "If not, you can always make her."

I turned away from the door, not wanting to hear anything else. I just thought that maybe my mother would understand, but from what I just heard she never would. She would always be on Marcus' side. There was nothing more I could do to change that. Defeated, I slowly walked up to my room and went to bed.


My dreams that night were very strange. I could only tell when they were because of the decorations in the grand foyer and by my red ball gown. I had dreamed about the ball. I wasn't a normal dream, though. It was only a few flashes of the ball.

The first flash was of me walking down the stairs into the grand foyer. I had just spotted someone in the crowd. Dylan. He was smiling up at me, watching as I made my entrance.

The next flash was of Marcus and I together. His hand was rested on the small of my back and we were standing there watching people dance. I was looking up at him with a disgusted look on my face, but I wasn't sure why, and Marcus had a certain look in his eyes as he looked at me. Almost hungry-like.

The final flash was Dylan and I dancing. He was leaning into my ear with grin on his face while I had a shocked expression. I didn't know what he had told me though.

When I had woken up the next morning, I was very confused. I had no idea what Marcus had said to me, nor what Dylan had said to me. These could also have been prophetic dreams meaning that this was some of the things that would happen at the ball tomorrow night, but I would just have to wait and see.


Anonymous POV

"Now I'm going to tell you one more time. You will do what I say or I will kill her."

The Queen looked at me menacingly. She knew the cost of saying no to me. Her daughter's life. I could see the change in her eyes.

"Fine, but only because Annalise doesn't deserve to die."

I felt a grin widen on my face. Now I have one more player on my team.

So here is Chapter 7!!! The next chapter is going to be good. Some loose ends will be tied up and some more will come to light. Please tell all your friends about my book. Anyway, if you liked this comment, vote, and/or follow me!!

Dance like no one is watching!

-Abigail :)

The Princess and the PeasantOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz