Chapter 3

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I'm sorry it's so short!! I just wanted to give you guys something to read. But anyway enjoy!!

Chapter 3

I walked slowly away from the Healer's cottage. I didn't know why I was tearing up over the two men, but I was. I felt terrible for having to replace part of their life with something false. That was the one horrible thing about my powers. But sometimes, I had no choice.

Walking back through the village made me feel even worse. Seeing all the happy, playful children living their lives made me think that it could be them I would have to persuade. It could be anyone. The milkmaid around the corner, the widow down the street. When would it stop? The pain of having to take memories away for the sake of secrecy. I guess I would never stop because the secrets would never stop.

The walk back to the castle took longer because I was in no hurry to get home. I had a nagging feeling that I should turn back and give the two men back their memory, but I knew I couldn't do that. Word couldn't spread just yet. When I wanted people to know, they would.

Once the castle came into view, it was well into the afternoon. I wondered how long I had been gone. It didn't seem like a long time, but I guess it really did. The walk there took half an hour, I spent an hour at least at the Healer's, and the walk back took about 45 minutes. Added up, I had been gone quite a while.

At least there weren't any guards rushing around looking for me. That meant that my mother had believed that I hadn't left the castle all day. She must have busy with the dreaded wedding plans. After our fight yesterday, I'm not surprised she didn't come looking for me. She probably hoped that if she left me alone, I would see the sense in my impending marriage.

I walked around the side of the castle to my bedroom window. There underneath the window, was an oak tree with a sturdy branch that went directly to my bedroom window. When I was younger, Marcus and I used to play in the tree. That was back when we could still stand to have each other in the same room. Now, I used the tree as a way of coming and going from my room when I didn't want to persuade the guards, or when I couldn't get past my mother.

Once I reached the base of the tree, I gathered up my skirts and began to scale the tree. About half way up, I felt the oak tree shake the way it only shook when someone was at the top and climbing down. I looked up through the tree branches to try to get a glance of the person, but the branches at the top were too full of leaves.

I kept climbing, hoping that if there was really someone up higher in the tree I could get to my bedroom window before they reached me. I climbed as fast as I could with my long skirts. It wasn't easy. I was also to the long branch went I felt someone near me. I turned my head around in all directions to see who it was. When I looked up, the world went black.

So this is Chapter 3!! Don't kill me just quite yet. Please if you liked this comment, like, and/or follow me!! And please tell people about this story because the last chapter only had one read...while the prologue had over 20. Anyway...

Dance like no one is watching!!

-Abigail :)

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