chapter 2 - suspicious

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Alaya ------------>>>

Acacia POV

I yet again had to get my ears popped by that horrible underground, run up the horrible escalator with them horrible old men and wait on that horrible platform for that horrible train. As you can tell, my day decreased horribly after that phone call with Merissa.

Let me list the horrendous contents of today :

~ i tripped on top of, not just next to but on top of, the cute hollister model                                                 ~ i spilled all my coffee down my new white freakin crop top                                                                        ~ i then managed to fall flat on my face in front of cute boys                                                                         ~ I DROPPED MY DAMN STARBUCKS 

So my day was all and all, not very good.

I was walking down my "lane" i guess you could call it. This might be the shitty part of London but it sure as heck didn't look like it, but never judge a book by its cover. There was about twelve "lanes" of the exact same houses. They were pearly white 4 story Victorian houses, they had the fancy looking steps leading up to them and the doors were all different colours. The door of the orphanage was special as it was a dark crimson with a silver plaque stating the lovely name of the shit hole, "Cherry Lane Orchard for Children". Yet again never underestimate a book by its tittle or cover.

There's a story behind the name; in the 1800 there was a Prince of France over in England as a suitor of the Princess of England at the time (as you can tell I'm no good at history so sorry :3). The Prince was not exactly willing to be a suitor, so he had a fight with his father and stormed out of the castle. He was gone for days on end. He survived on stealing food from shops and slept in fields. One night he fell across a lone gypsy. He stayed with her and he fell in love. They had one child but by the time the child was born, his father had found his trail and sent men after him. He made a pledge to the women that he would somehow support them. She didn't believe him. A few months later, work en arrived at the Gypsy's field. They gave her a letter which said "This is for thou, sweet Cherry, i promised thou support for our blessed child, and i shall keep my word." BTW her second name was Lane. So Cherry Lane, (not just because it was a lane guys, that's to predictable)

The name of the Orphanage may be pleasant, but the inside certainly was not. The house mother we've had for so long died just last year, she had no family or friends really. This orphanage was passed down through the generations (don't know if that's actually done) so seeing as she had no family and her husband died, there was no son or daughter to pass it on to. So automatically all the teenagers went mad, the people that had enough money to move out did and took all the younger ones with them, so all that was in this house was drug dealers and alcoholic teenagers. I really don't understand why we stay. I guess were the only ones who keep the house going.

I prepared myself before entering Satan's headquarters on earth. I plastered on my blank face and knocked. The little slit in the door opened and up poped Greg's eyes, blood shot as ever, Greg was one of the innocent ones up until about last month when the demons broke him. The main Demons were Zander, Will and Ollie. I swear they were the span of the devil, they broke every single one of them in this house either with drugs or sex. Anyway Greg automatically opened the door for me once i gave him "The look". I walked passed all the people getting stoned and into the kitchen where you have to judge the food by who's eating it, i learned that the hard way. Never trust the brownies in this place, i swear i was asleep for about two weeks and i didn't even know it! Anyway Tim was eating an apple, Tim was a pretty nice guy actually. He never talked though. I grabbed an apple and walked out of the room and up to the fourth floor to mine and the girls room.

Our room was quite original to say the least. We could only fit one double bed and single bed in so two of us shared a bed one week and then the other for a week and so on. It was like a loft kind of thing with a desk under the window that looked out onto the back of the other houses. The walls were covered in song lyrics and painting of random things. We also  have a small dresser for each of us, they all over flow with different types of clothes, Alaya was more of the girly girl, worse then me. She was into a lot of pastels and all that kinda stuff. Merissa was a full on tom boy, there was no such thing as a skirt in that dresser, i think there is one dress and didn't show any leg. I was more in the middle, i like girly girl, but i but a boyish twist sometimes.................. that makes no sense does it? Well that's just what i do.

I trudged into our room. The girls were sitting on the double bed, staring and pointing at the laptop screen speaking in hushed whisperers. I coughed a little to gain their attention, they immediately slammed the laptop closed and Alaya screamed "NOTHING". I jumped back and looked around suspecting for her to be talking to Zander or someone. I looked back around confused as to why she screamed at me. She was the shade of a fire truck if I'm honest. Merissa was pissing herself laughing on the bed, nearly rolling off the damn thing. It was quite a funny scene. "Why?" I asked Alaya "Were you watching porn, Alaya just because its there doe--" i never got to finish my sentence. "No" she spoke in a terrifying voice "you'd think id watch porn of all things Acacia". "Well if your that red what else could it be?" I spoke more to myself then her. At this point i was pretty sure Merissa had indeed peed herself and her laughs were that silent laugh. "Acacia, i can assure now and forever that i will never, ever, watch porn" Alaya said, still the same colour. I just put down my bags by my dresser.

I turned to her "Then what were you doing that you didn't want me to find out?"            . Merissa had finally calmed down and was now sitting up straight. "I was planning a birthday get away , like rent a caravan and go somewhere, ya know?" Merissa said with this hopeful little glint in her eyes. I could never say no to that little look. "Could we do it more in like, ya know" i pulled back the curtain to show the now wet houses "summer". Merissa nodded in understanding "yeah........... ill think about it more after dinner". I smiled and went to put away my new clothes, while Merissa went to order dinner for us. Yet again, ill remind you, you never trust the food in this place, so we normally just order in. Alaya came over to help me. Once we had the thing wedged closed she made her way down stairs. I was going to get a shower and get clean clothes.

What they didn't realize was what they had left on the bed, I went over to check because i didn't exactly trust they're story. I opened the laptop and clicked the on button, but the bitches had a pass code put on,

The sons of bitches


EPPPPPPPPPPPPP, i have six views, like oh mergod

I know its not alot but it is to me 

love from

Rachel <3








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