Chapter Five

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I heard my alarm go off and all I could think about is that it's my first day. Sunny was knocked out sleep from an event she did last night.

I got out of bed and got in the shower. I brushed my teeth put in my contacts and stared in the mirror.

"Ok. Let's go for power today." I said

I walked to my closet and got a tight fitted blue dress with a big belt and some black heels.

I put my hair in a bun and put on some dark lipstick. When I walked to the kitchen Sunny raised her eyebrow at what I was wearing.

"I thought you'd still be sleep."I said

"No. I was excited for you and was gonna give you a pep talk but looks like it's not needed." She said

I laughed and grabbed an apple and a granola bar got my briefcase and headed out the door. When I got in my uber I checked my phone and thought about the day ahead of me.

When I arrived at the building I straightened my dress and walked in to the receptionist desk. She walked me to the elevator and told me that I was going to a different floor to be close to Ms. Smith's office.

We went to the top floor and she said the first half is basically mine and to get familiar with both offices.

I walked to Makai's office first and looked out the window. I got intrigued by the view and didn't even hear her enter the room.

"Shouldn't you find some work to do?" I heard her say.

"I am so sorry." I said turning around shocked.

I was caught by surprise to see Red.

"Oh.... hey Red. What you doing here?" I asked her confused.

She smirked and sat at the desk.

"To have graduated from college you're slow. My name is Makai and I need you to sort my shit and give me my schedule. "She said laughing.

As I put it together I looked at her horrified and gulped.

"Im not clocked in right? " I asked as she shook her head .

" you fucked me at the club?" I asked

She nodded her head.

"And now I'm your assistant? " I asked

She nodded her head.

I bit my cheek and nodded my head.

"Well then goodmorning Ms. Smith I'll get straight to work." I said and walked out of her office.

I sat at the desk that had a sign with my name on it. I let a few tears run down my face.

"She knew.... You didn't stop stressing." I said to myself and got to work.

She needs me I don't need her. But ima make her want me.

The girl from the front desk downstairs said she was gonna transfer the phones up to me.
I was looking at  Makai's schedule and whoever did it was slow af because they put everything in the same time slot with the time in parenthesis. Her notes weren't kept correctly. It was so much that wasn't done.

I shook my head and walked back into her office and sat down in the chair in front of her desk. She was standing by the window.

"What do you need?" She asked staring at her computer.

"So whoever was doing your shit was whack. If you're  willing to listen to me and let me do my thing your life will be easier." I said

She laughed and shrugged her shoulder.

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