Chapter 5: hopeless

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Tulip: *in her bed(she shares a room with her 17 year old sister and they have a bunk bed and Tulip is on the bottom)* *sigh*

Susie(her sis): *about to climb up onto the top bunk* Hey.. Sis.. are you alright..?

Tulip: Uh... well... I...I guess... *looks down sadly*

Susie: *looks at Tulip sadly* You don't look ok. What's wrong? Is it about your stork friend?

Tulip: *blushes a bit* uh... well... *sigh* I had to leave stork mountain because the board told Junior I wasn't allowed there anymore...

Susie: oh my gosh... that's horrible....

Tulip: yeah... I.... I really miss him....

Susie: *looks at her sadly* .... Can.. can he visit you...?

Tulip: *sigh* He...said he was gonna be to busy to come visit....

Susie: Oh... *looks down sadly*

Tulip: *thinks about all she's been through with him* ..... *starts crying*

Susie: *hears her crying and looks up at her worried* *sits down next to her* *puts arm on her shoulder and looks at her sadly* ........He meant a lot to you didn't he...?

Tulip: *nods and blows into her tissue*

Susie: *pats Tulips back gently* aw, it'll be ok.

Tulip: *snif*.... yeah... I... I guess it will.... *snif*

Susie: That's the spirit. *smiles gently at her*

Tulip: *looks down for a while before speaking* ....hey... Susie... ?

Susie: yea?

Tulip: um.... this is probably a silly question but... have...... have you...felt love before....

Susie: uh... you mean like... boy-girl love....?

Tulip: yea....

Susie: y-yeah... *looks down and blushes* w-why...?

Tulip: w-what... does it feel like....

Susie: uh.... well.... I guess it's like... a ....warm.... fuzzy.... w-wonderful feeling... heh

Tulip: oh....

Susie: um... did u ask cuz.... you like someone...? *looks at her hoping she has a crush*

Tulip: um.... I'm not sure.... I.... never thought about it.... but.... I ...I think I do like someone....

Susie: Oooo who is it? *smiles at her playfully*

Tulip: um.... well..... y-you promise...not to think it's weird.....?

Susie: Promise.

Tulip: and..... you promise not to tell anyone...?

Susie: Promise!

Tulip: *sigh* ok...... uh.... I..... I think..... I' love with.... J-Junior.... *blushes*

Susie: *gasp* A... a stork...? *a little confused*

Tulip: You promised you wouldn't think it's weird!!

Susie: Ok, ok. I'm sorry... it's just... It just kinda shocked me.... but... I'm ok now.

Tulip: Good.

Susie: In fact... That kinda sounds cute...

Tulip: *blushes* w-what...?

Susie: A human falling hopelessly in love with a stork... it's so adorable!! *looks at her excitedly*

Tulip: *looks away blushing* S-seriously...?

Susie: yea!!

Tulip: Heh... well.... he.... *looks down sadly* He'll probably never love me back.... he... he sounded like he wanted me to leave....

Susie: oh no....

Tulip: *sigh* I just need to let it go and forget about it.... It'll never work out.... like you said.... it's hopeless....

Susie: *looks at her sadly* Well.... there still might be a little hope.... I mean... love always finds a way... hehe

Tulip: Not when it's between a human and a Stork.... *looks down sadly*.....

Susie: I'm sure you'll see him again someday....

Tulip: *sigh* I....... *starts to tear up again* I hope so....

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