Chapter 4: Detached

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Tulip: *after packing up she goes to Jasper for a ride back to her house*
*looking down sad* Jasper..?

Jasper: Oh, hey, Tulip! What's up?

Tulip: I...I need a ride back to my house...

Jasper: *confused* But... I thought you were staying here..

Tulip: I cant anymore...

Jasper: *concerned* Why...?

Tulip: a call from the board...that....I shouldn't be Junior made me leave...

Jasper: *surprised and concerned* ....but... he can still visit u cant he...?

Tulip: *shakes head* He says he's too busy. *looks down kinda annoyed*

Jasper: Wow. I'm so sorry, Tulip.

Tulip: *sigh* I.... I thought he liked being with me... *starts to tear up* But..... *snif* I....I guess not....

Jasper: *puts wing on her shoulder and looks her in the eye* Hey... It'll be ok.

Tulip: *snif* *wipes tears* Y-you're right... *gets on his back* I just...need to forget about it....

Jasper: *sad for her* *takes off and carries her stuff with his feet*

*They arrive at Tulip's house*

Jasper: *lands*

Tulip: *gets off of his back*

Jasper: Are you gonna be alright...?

Tulip: *sigh* Yeah. I just need some time.

Jasper: Okay.

Tulip: *smiles slightly at him* Thanks for being there for me.

Jasper: Anytime. *smiles back*

Tulip: Well.... bye... *waves*

Jasper: Goodbye, Tulip. *flies away*

Tulip: *grabs her stuff and brings it to her door* *knocks*

Matilda(Tulip's Mom): *opens door* *surprised*

Tulip: Hey mom... *looks down sadly*

Matilda: Hey... *confused and concerned* I thought you were gonna stay at Stork Mountain...

Tulip: Well.... I...I'm not aloud up there anymore...

Matilda: *concerned* oh no! Are you alright?

Tulip: Um... well.... *sigh* not really...

Matilda: *hugs her daughter* Oh, I'm so sorry!

Tulip: *hugs back* I....I just...I just wanna forget about it... I mean... *lets go of hug* now I get to stay with you guys... *smiles a little at her*

Matilda: Yes. *smiles back then frowns again* But.. are you sure you'll be alright...?

Tulip: I... I'm sure.

Matilda: Ok. Would you like to join us? We're having cookies!

Tulip: *smiles a bit* Really? That sounds amazing. Thanks mom!

Matilda: Anything for my long-lost daughter! *smiles back* *steps out of the way of the door and lets her inside*

Tulip: *goes inside*

Matilda: *closes door*


Junior: *doing his paperwork* *sad and frustrated* *sigh* *puts pen down and looks down sadly* ..... *looks back up at a picture of him and Tulip*....... agh why did I yell at her... *puts wings over his face* I'm so stupid. *puts wings down and shakes head* I just need to wingin forget about it!! *picks up picture angry and opens drawer about to put it in* *stares at the open drawer surprised* ...... *slowly puts picture down and picks up another picture that is him and his parents when he was 4* *stares at it sadly*.....

*knock knock*

Junior: *quickly puts picture away* er- come in...

Pigeon Toady: *opens door* Hey, brah. Do you know when tha orphan who-is-not-really-an-orphan will be done with my jetpac?

Junior: *sigh* No. *a little annoyed*

Pigeon Toady: Oh, ok, brah. Hey, where did she go anyway?

Junior: She... she cant be on Stork mountain because she's a human.. *looks away kinda sad*

Pigeon Toady: Buta didn't she used to live here before...?

Junior: Yeah, but... she was an orphan then...

Pigeon Toady: Oh, ok, brah. ......Do you miss her?

Junior: what....

Pigeon Toady: Cuz you seem kinda sad talkin about it.

Junior: uhhhh *hides feelings* *confident smile* No, of course not. Everyone knows how much of a pain she is. Haha

Pigeon Toady: Tru. Tru.

Junior: *nervous smile* u leave now....? *awkward smile*

Pigeon Toady: Oh, right, sorry, brah. Goodbye brah. *walks out and closes door*

Junior: *sits back in his chair sadly* *sigh*......

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