Chapter 25 Sister and Brother

Start from the beginning

G: Fine then

A: That well be awesome I'll go call Diego I'm sure Jaz well be happy about  this.

V: yep i can't wait till she is my cousin

A: to soon

V: sure you love him he loves you its perfect

A: bye Violetta. Angie said leaving to her room I followed her because I wanna ask her something

When she got to her room she looked at me.

A: you want to come in? She asked and I nodded and I entered her room with her she sat on her bed and she pointed for me to sit there to so I did.

A: so what's up

G: I need your help

A: with what?

G: with violetta to see if she likes Esmeralda or not because I get the feeling she doesn't and I don't know why .

A: German shouldn't you talk to her and ask her you can't ask people to do that for you she is your daughter not mine or anyone's else but yours talk to her.

G: but she see you like her mom and she trust you.

A: she trust me but you still have to talk to her okay you'll be fine okay I promise you will like Maria always said you never know if you don't try. She said as she hold my hand

G: yeah you are right thank you

A: I know I am and no need to thank that's why I'm your sister. She said as she smiled yeah sister

A: sorry is it okay that u say that because we are in laws and well yeah

G: its fine sister. I said and she laughed and hugged me I hugged her back

A: okay then go talk to her

G: now???

A: yes go come on don't be scared you can do it

G: I don't know

A: just imagine something that's makes you feel okay

G: like what

A: when I'm scared I imagine my dad when he told me " angel there is nothing to be scared of I'm here" and that makes me calm and relax. She said as she closed her eyes when she was finished she opened them and smiled

G: okay then I'll imagine your dad say that to me. I said joking and she started to laugh

A: you know what I meant

G: I know I'll talk to her after tomorrow I don't want her to be mad for tomorrow

A: yeah I agree

G: well thank you for the help

A: no problem brother

A: well I have to call Diego now

G: oh yeah how is it with you two

A: great he is really nice and sweet and gentle to me I love it

G: gentle

A: I mean like very carful like he wants me to be happy and doesn't want to hurt me

G: uh okay

A: I know kinda confusing

G: yeah were did he take you today?

A: to a tree house

G: really tree house his romantic. I said joking I know why he took her I was there

A: its not only a tree house its where he gave me my first kiss actually stole it but still

G: oh

A: okay now go I have to call him

G: oh I see how it is

A: don't get me wrong but I need some privacy to call him

G: okay fine. I said as I left

I hope you liked this chapter.

Angie still has feelings for German but she says she loves Diego very much and wants to be with him and German still loves Angie what will happen??

German didn't seem to Like the idea of being called brother but went along with it but why??

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