Collaborations & Danger (part 6)

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Hello everyone! Welcome to part six of this story! Things are getting intense! However, this chapter will not be as long or important story-wise as part five

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Hello everyone! Welcome to part six of this story! Things are getting intense! However, this chapter will not be as long or important story-wise as part five. Thanks, anyway! 

I was being chased. A man with  dark green hair and glowing green eyes was chasing me. He was running in a strange fashion, glitching to the side every now and then. I was out of breath, and I could'nt see anything but the ground below me and the man chasing me. My throat felt like sandpaper, and my tongue felt like actual sand. He reached for me, and grabbed onto my shirt-

I sat up in bed, panting. My face was covered in sweat, and my hair was the same. I looked around the room. I was in the room I had put my stuff in yesterday, the blue room. I got out of bed and went to the window, peering out of it.

A thin layer of fog lay over everything. Just over to the left, a forest was  rustling in the cold wind l, green leaves shining with dew.

I rested my head on the window, trying to cool down. 

So he was real. Antisepticeye was an actual person, well, 'person'.

He was also a horrible monster that talked in glitches.

I went over to my cupboard and pulled out a pair of jeans and a green tank top, then went down to the bathroom and took a shower.

As I came out and went into the kitchen, Jack was at the table, drinking coffee. 

"M-morning..." Jack yawned. "How'ere ya?" 

"Good, t'anks." I replied in his accent.

Jack smiled. "Good one." I walked over to the cupboard and pulled out a box of cereal. "Where's the bowls?" Jack pointed to a small drawer.

After finishing his coffee, Jack disappeared down the hall to his recording room. After he left, I slumped on the bench, sighing. It was so awkward! I knew the reason- Anti. That was the reason. After all, I had nearly died at the hands of Jack's 'brother'.

A few hours later, Jack came trooping out of his recording room and sat down in front of me. I looked up from my uni work, wondering what was going on. 

"Um, I was wondering if- well, I thought it'd be a good idea if you and I could- you are a YouTuber, right?"

I nodded, wondering.

"Well, I think that it'd be- well, I read comments on Twitter that- um..."

I bit my lip.

"A collaboration." Jack said, finally.

I blinked. "A... collaboration? Wit' you?" I was in shock, as evidenced by the reappearance of my accent.

Jack nodded. "Yeah!"

I grinned. "Sure!"

Jack fiddled with the microphone, adjusting it until it was just right. I squirmed nervously. I was about to do a reading your comments video with Jacksepticeye!

Jack turned on the camera and came down to sit next to me. "Three, two, one!" He called, and nodded. Everything seemed to be in order.

So then he started screaming.

"TOP OF THE MORNING TO YA LADDIES, MY NAME IS JACKSEPTICEYE, and welcome to a Reading Your Comments video, with my new roommate, Glitteringomega!"

"Wassup, beauties!" I said, grinning.

"That is a very Australian-sounding intro." Jack noted.

"I hope so! I was born and bred in Australia!" I laughed.

"Then why do you sound Irish sometimes?" Jack asked. 

"Cause that's the accent all my family had. I'm half Irish, y'know." I said.

Jack shrugged. "Anyway, first comment, 'Jack, when is your new roommate arriving? Will he/she be in videos?'

Jack turned to the door. "Well, she's not here yet... but I think she'll be here soon." I waved my hand in front of his face, and Jack looked at me, mock astonishment all over his face. "Who are you? Get out! Out!" He shooed me out the door.

And that was basically what happened. Jack and I made a pretty amazing video.

And we didn't even get attacked until after we'd turned everything off.

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