Jacksepticeye (part 2)

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Welcome to the second part of my story! I hope you're enjoying it! I know I am!

Welcome to the second part of my story! I hope you're enjoying it! I know I am!

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I got off the plane, resisting the urge to groan. It's been a 23 hour flight, and I'd had little time to stretch, since I had slept most of it. I headed for the white building that was presumably the Dublin airport.

Once I was inside, I headed to the baggage carousel, following the signs and the other people from my plane. As I was waiting for my purple and pink bag to come through, I tweeted that I had landed and was waiting for luggage. I am a fairly popular YouTuber, with 5 million subscribers and 500k followers on twitter, which is both amazing and mind blowing. I'd only started YouTube three years ago, and I'd never dream I'd be where i am now.

I grabbed my bag the second I could, then was faced with a dilemma. I didn't know what my roommate looked like. I didn't even know his name. I bit my lip. This was a problem and a half. However, I soon decided that walking to the front and waiting in the pick up lounge there (I read the signs) was a good idea.

As I was walking, weaving my way through crowds of people, someone tapped me on the shoulder. i turned, confused, and then became even more confused.

A man was standing there. He looked round about my age, and he had blue eyes and candy-green hair with clipped brown sides. He was wearing a black shirt, and jeans. He seemed...familiar....

"Hello, are you Audrey O'Connell, by any chance?" That voice...no way....

"Yes, that's me, why?"

"I'm the person who accepted, the guy from Westmeath?"

"Oh, really? Hello!" I reached out my hand and he shook it merrily.

"Let me take your bags, Audrey."

I gave them to him, still slightly in shock. "Um... pardon me, but you're...Jacksepticeye!"

Jacksepticeye broke into a huge smile, his eyes crinkling up in that familiar way." You know the channel? Amazing! This is awesome!" He honestly seemed as happy and awed as I was.

"I used to watch you all the time until I was about fourteen, then I had no time for YouTube." Jacksepticeye grinned. "I love meeting fans. It reminds me of how many people like what I do."

"So, what do I call you?"

"Whatever you'd like!" Jacksepticeye threw out his arms in exuberance.

"I'll call you Jack." I decided, my inner fan girl rising up.

We had reached the car, and I got in. While Jack was stowing my bags in the boot, I couldn't help but squeal in our fangirl. I was going to live with Jacksepticeye for the next year or two. Jack was still grinning as he got in, too.

"Next stop, home." He said, and winked at me.

(End of part 2)

Thanks for reading guys!

The girl, the man and the monster (Jacksepticeye fan-fiction)Where stories live. Discover now