What Matters In Life?

Start from the beginning

      "Well first of all I don't have to answer to you. I'm 18 now thus making me an adult. Secondly you aren't my parent so I most definitely don't need to tell you where the fuck I am at every waking moment. Thirdly, when Carter and I got back to the house the lights were out and there was no power. Leona and Christina offered us a place to stay so we took the offer. Lastly we aren't in Atlanta anymore. I'll be back next week to get the rest of our stuff. You act like you actually care about me when you don't. Therefore I'm moving out and taking everything my father left me. If it's not there I'll fuckin sue you so you better start getting my money together," I said and hung up the phone. Fucking dumb ass bitch.

Carter's POV

     I woke up in an empty bed. I looked at the time and saw that it was 6:00 in the morning. Then all of the memories flood back into my mind and I almost broke down again. I had to stay strong for Valentina, Valentino, Addison, and Adien. If their parents wouldn't be back they would need someone to take care of them. I went into the joint room and all of them were sleep. I went back into our room to change and noticed I still had my phone. Dumb asses. I changed into some other clothes and ordered some food from the breakfast place downstairs. Tia came into where I was and sat down. "CiCi I miss mama and papa. When are they coming back?" She asked me and I honestly couldn't give her an answer. "I really don't know Tia. Hopefully before we leave to go back home," said truthfully and she nodded. "Hey are you hungry?" I ask and she nodded. "Alright well let's get you dressed and we can go get some food," I said and she nodded. I helped her get dressed and did her hair. After we were done I grabbed my wallet and room key. We went downstairs and got the food and came back up. I heard laughing when I walked into the room. Tia walked in first and then ran into the room further. I walked in and they were standing in the room. "Holy fuck," I said going over to give them a hug. "Ok Carter we get it," Mama said and I laughed. "I wasn't ready to be a parent yet," I said sitting down. "Well what happened with Xayana and Capri?" Rae asked and I nodded because I wanted to know. "Just know we found Melissa and Lydia took care of those two. Therefore we won't have to worry about them anymore," Chris said and I nodded.

The Night Before

Christina's POV

     We ran after Lydia and she hadn't got that much farther than us before stopping. "We need a plan. I know my sister and from what Mel has told me about Xayana, we have to be careful," she said and I nodded. "How about Lee being bait. We already know why Capri's doing this to get back at Lydia for putting her in the hospital and Chris for taking Lee away from her. I'll act like I'm turning in Lee and join their operation and let you guys in. Then we can find Lydia get Lee and get the fuck out," Lexi said and it was a really good plan but it had one major flaw. "What if they come back. We need to get rid of them for good and I don't mean jail time," I said and Lydia looked at me. "I mean we don't have to kill Capri but we most definitely have to get rid of Xayana. She seems to be behind this whole mess. If it wasn't for her Capri probably wouldn't even be thinking like this," Leona said and I nodded in agreement. "That's right. My sister is crazy but she isn't crazy enough to do all of this. I'm going to be honest she isn't even like this. Trying to kill people she cares about. This isn't her and it has to be Xayana," Lydia said. "Alright then, its set. I'll 'join' their operation by selling out Lee, let you in, and then we kill Xayana," Lexi said summing everything up. We all agreed and went back towards the building.

Lexi's POV

      Chris and Lydia stopped a little farther back and we went back into the building. "Sorry in advance," I whispered and put my gun to her head. She let out this blood curdling scream and Xayana and Capri came rushing around the corner. "I want in and I hope this covers my entry fee," I said pushing my hair out of my face. They both just looked at me. "How do we know your not trying to double cross us?" Capri said pushing Xayana back. I point my gun at Lee and shooting missing her by an inch. "What the fuck Lexi," she said trying to get up but I kicked her back down stepping on her back with my Tim. I'm not even going to get into how I made money before college. New York was a cold place and I needed the money. "The next bullet goes in your head. I may be a fem, but I've had my fair share of time in the streets. Now I want in," I said over enunciating the last part. "Alright, alright. Sims! Take her to room 406. You come with me," she said as this man came and picked Lee up. I followed them putting my gun back in my jeans. We came to a room that had showed all the rooms that were occupied. I saw a red dot go on a room that said 406. "Alright so you must know where Christina and Lydia went so where did they go?" Capri asked me and I shook my head. The last place I saw them was a couple blocks away from here. Then I convinced her to come back," I said and they dumb asses believed me. "I'm pretty sure I can go find them though. I think that they're on the way back to the hotel. I'll say that Lee went back to save Melissa and I didn't notice until she was already around the block. Then I'll lure them back here and we'll get them," I said and Xayana nodded while Capri looked suspicious. "Alright you go and bring them to this room when you get back," Capri said and I nodded walking out of the room. I went to the door and saw Chris and Lydia there. "Alright they aren't expecting me for a while so come on," I said leading them into the building.

Leona's POV

     I was tied up to a chair and next to me was Melissa. "Damn they got you too?" She asked and I nodded. "How I thought you guys were long gone from here. "I'll tell you later but first we wait for the plan to take effect," I said and she looked at me weird. We were whispering so the girl who was watching us wasn't paying attention. "Aye I gotta plan," I said and she nodded. "Oh shit," I said loud enough to where the girl could hear me. She looked up. "Aye shut the fuck up," she said. "I mean I would but ya girl is going through that time," I said and she looked at me weirdly. "What do you mean that time?" She asked. "Ya see I just had two kids. So ya know after you have kids your uterus lining sheds cause there's nothing there. Can you guess who's just started shedding?" I said and her eyes got really big. "Uhhhh I got chu ma," she said rushing out of the room. "That trick never fails. But Lexi acted like she betrayed us and right about now we should hear a gun shot," I said and a couple seconds later I heard a pop. "There is that gunshot and Xayana should be dead right now," I said and she nodded with a look of relief. In a couple of minutes we will be let go none of this would have happened. We then heard another pop right after. The girl came back in and untied me giving me the pad and rushed back out. I untied Melissa and we rushed to where I heard the gunshot. It was a room and there was Melissa, Chris, the girl who was with us, Lexi, Xayana, and Capri. Xayana was face down and not breathing while Capri was on the ground with blood oozing out of her leg. "That's for causing all this fuckin trouble. You better be lucky you're my sister because if you weren't. I would have shot you right in between the eyes. Go call the medic and dispose of that scum on the floor," Lydia said to the girl who was watching us. She nodded and went out the room.

     After about an hour Chris and I caught a ride with Lexi to her place. We got our rental car and drove back to the hotel. We walked into the room to Tino and Rae singing a song that was playing on the T.V. After they were done I clapped and so did Chris and Tino ran over to give us a hug. A couple minutes later Tia and Carter came back into the room. I couldn't ask for a better family. Through all the hardships that I have been through I can finally say I'm genuinely happy. That is all that matters in life.

A/N: Omgggggg this is the last chapter of this book. Can you believe it's a little under a year of me writing this shit. Like I started at the end of my 8th grade year and now I'm finishing in the middle of my 9th grade year. Dawgggg that's crazy. But the adventure isn't over yet. Well it kinda is but not really.  I'm about to post the first chapter of  "Meant to Be?" Which is the book about Gabriella and Natalia. Soooooo see y'all then. -Stay Saucy

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