Sorry, No Second Sketches

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Leona's POV

     I wake up the next morning and look around. Everything looks normal at least I think it is. But then again why would it not be. Anyways, I check and we still have classes today unfortunately but I'll get through it. I have to go back to that stupid boring class. I showered and brushed my teeth. I left my room after getting dressed to see a sleeping Lexi on the couch. I told y'all she always over here. Never at her own dorm I wonder what her roommate thinks about it. Probably doesn't care because they get the dorm to themselves all the time. I gently shake her to wake up. She doesn't wake up just lays there. I shake her harder and she just groans and turns over. I continue to shake her to try and wake her up. I didn't sign up for wake up duty. She continues to groan, "No mom just lemme sleep for ten more minutes." I laugh and knock on Kiara's door. "Come in," she yells and I twist the door knob. The door doesn't open. "It's locked Ki," I say. I then hear a click and then the door opens.

     I walk in and she's in her Captain America shirt and Iron Man shorts. "Good Morning time to wake up and get ready." I tell her as she gets back in the bed. "Get out Lee,

I'm tired and would like to sleep," she says putting the pillow over her head. Oh no she has class today. She better wake up or I'll take her blankets, sheets, and pillows. I jump on her bed careful not to jump on her legs. She curls up into a ball, "Have fun Lee I'm going to go back to sleep k?" We have two lazy bums in the dorm. Ok, I know how we are going to have to start this morning. I go into the kitchen and begin to cook breakfast. Thankfully we were assigned the one dormitory that has kitchens with stoves, ovens, and microwaves in each of the dorms. The other dormitories have only microwaves if that at all. I look at the time and I have 3 hours until 11:00.

     An hour later I made pancakes, sausage, grits, and biscuits for three. I wash the dishes and grab two frying pans. I put my phone on the iHome and turn the volume all the way up. I stand in between the couch and Kiara's room. I then begin to bang the pots and sing the lyrics to Panda by Designer. (Insert lyrics here.) Lexi fell off the couch and Kiara fell out the bed. Kiara covered her ears and Lexi danced to the song. By the end of the song all three of us were dancing to the song. After our hype session I turn the music off only to hear someone knocking on the door. "I GOT IT," Kiara yelled and me and Lexi went in the kitchen.

Kiara's POV

     I go to answer the door and its Christina and her little hoe of a girlfriend. I slam the door in her face but she stops it with her foot. "Where is Leona? I need to talk to her," she asked. Why is she here looking for Lee they stopped talking when she tried to turn out Lee. I have nothing against the LGBT community just don't try to change me if I don't want too. I call Lee over to the door. Her and Lexi walk over and steam nearly came out of her ears. Like in the cartoons. "What are you doing here Chris? I could have sworn I told you that I don't want to see you anymore but yet I can't go one full week without you showing up here. I moved out of that dorm for a reason would you like me to go over them again?" Lee says through gritted teeth. I look at Lexi and nod " I'm gonna go I've got class in a hour. See you at 1:00 Lee. Kia I'll text you later," Lexi says hugging us both and leaving. Lee never took her eyes off of Layla through the whole time. "Yea I'm going to go shower I have a mass rehearsal in a hour and gotta get there early to stretch. Chris don't bring that in here we don't need the dorm smelling like slut for a week." I walk to my room as I hear commotion at the door. Whatever I don't have time for this.

Leona's POV

     Why is she here I told her don't come here anymore. "Baby you just gone let her talk about me like that,"  Raeil (Ray-l) said. "Got damn Rae can't you just shut up for a second. You know what go wait in the car I'll handle this my self," Chris yelled. Raeil sucked her teeth and left walking down the hall. "You might wanna go with her cause you not about to come in here." I tell her. She sighed, " Please just listen to me Lee ok I know I messed up as a friend and you don't want to talk to me ever again but just hear me out please." "No you don't get to try and have sex with me when I'm drunk and think that I'll still be alright with it. That's not how this works here. When you do dumb shit you don't get to talk to me no more. We. Are. Not. Friends. There are no second chances when it comes to what you did. Now go follow your little ho- I mean girlfriend and never come back." I push her and slam the door and go back to the kitchen.

EOC: Ok y'all we had our HoCo dance last night that shit was lit af. On the other hand I hate how this one person who I liked kept flipping between hanging with me and letting other girl twerk on them. Soooooooooooo the person who I like obviously can't decide and I was gonna ask them to play a character in the book. (Mini rant over sorry) Basically if you want to play a character inbox me your Instagram or something so I can see what your look like cause we don't do ugly bitches and niggas here sorry. A/N: (I'm writing this after I wrote the author's note) Awwwww look at little closeted me. Being all vague and shit. I remember who I was talking about here too and she was ugly as shit. Y'all I used to like some ugly ass bitches.

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