Relationship Problems

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Raeil's POV

     Ever since Leona and Chris started being friends again she acts like I don't even exist. We don't even fuck no more it's always "Lee this Lee that". I can't stand it. We used to go everywhere together now I feel like a third wheel cause she always with us. This just won't do she must be handled by Christina or I'll do it myself. I walk out of my English class, yes I'm an English major, and look for Chris. I see her walk up and smile because there is no sign of Lee. She's texting someone and stops in front of me. "Hey," she said putting her phone in her pocket. I frown, "Baby what's wrong?" I say hugging her. She doesn't even hug me back and shakes her head. "Come on I got practice," she says walking towards the sports hall. We used to walk hand and hand to her practices and she would always kiss me and hug me when she sees me. Its she shifts her duffle bag from one shoulder to the other. "What we need to talk about?" she said not seeming the least bit interested. I stop her and look up at her so we are eye to eye. "Do you even want to be in this relationship because if you don't then tell me now so I'm not wasting my time. Ever since you and Leona became friends again it seems like I don't even matter. We never go anywhere anymore and we haven't been alone together in two weeks I feel unwanted." I say and feel tears threaten to come out of my eyes. "Rae, what are you going on about. Of course I love you. I wouldn't even be here if I didn't. I wouldn't have met you after your class. I would have broken up. Don't let Lee get to you. She might be my best friend but you are my girlfriend." She says wiping my face. I didn't even notice that I was crying she kisses my lips and grabs my hand. We walk into the gym and there were the other basketball players stretching and doing layups and drills. Over on the bleachers was Leona in the fucking flesh. I walk into the locker room with her and I'm honestly mad. "You know what I'll leave you and your friend alone but trust me you'll regret it. You're going to take me out on Saturday I don't care where we go but she better not be there." I say and Chris turns around and kisses me on the forehead and leaves not responding to what I just said.


     Tonight is me and Christina's date and she won't tell me where we are going but that she'll be there around 6. It was 5:45 and I still needed to be ready so I go and shower and do my makeup. I put on a black dress that went mid-thigh and showed off my curves. I put on my black red bottoms and some gold jewelry.

Me: Am I overdressed.

Daddy👅: No you look beautiful I love it.

Me: Ok, where are we going?

Daddy👅: Don't worry about it ok. I'm outside your dorm.

Me: Ok I'm coming now.

I put my phone, keys, and student I.D. into a clutch and head downstairs after telling my roommate I was leaving. I walk down the steps and see her black Jeep outside and Chris looking on her phone with flowers in her hand. She slips her phone in her pocket and smiles, "You look even better in person baby." She kissed my lips and handed me the flowers. She opened the door and helped me into the car.

Leona's POV

     I'm going to be late to work if the lovebirds don't hurry up. Raeil got into the car not even noticing me. I mean when the car exterior is black and you're in all black you tend to be invisible. Halfway through the ride I felt like I had to sneeze and of course Chris and Raeil being all "I love you, no I love you more, no I love you more". I swear this is why I'm single cause after he says I love you more I would have been like "Ok whatever". I tried to hold it in because Raeil would freak if she knew I was in here. She says I'm stealing her girlfriend from her but whatever, I can't hold it in forever. I sneezed and it was real loud too Raeil screamed and nearly jumped out of her seat. Chris just laughed and said, "bless you." Raeil looked back at me like she was ready to kill me.

    I just sit there and continue to text Jayden like nothing happened. Just as I predicted Raeil freaked out because I was in the car. "Why is she here? I specifically said that she was to not be here. Why can't you just leave us alone? God, are you, Kiara, and Lexi all fighting is that why you're always around Christina now?" She said flailing her hands everywhere. I chuckled, "I'm here because Kiara had a dress rehearsal and Lexi is at work so Chris said she'll give me a ride. Might I mention that your date is at my workplace one of the most hardest places to reserve a table at. I'm the reason that you are going on this date in the first place. So your welcome hoe unless you want me to call my boss and tell him to cancel the reservation." I say sitting back calmly still texting Jayden. She turns around and mumbled a whatever I smile at something Jay sent me. "You petty as hell you know that right," Chris says referring to me. I laugh and respond, "Sure am. There is no soul pettier than me." 

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