Friend's Reunited

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Christina's POV

     I take a shower and hop in the bed. I doubt Lexi told Leona that I needed to give her something. It wasn't really anything I just wanted to apologize and she left her favorite set of paint brushes over here. I remember her telling me how nice they were and she was so devastated when she "lost" them. I just happened to see them when I was looking for something else. I would go over there but she would just snatch them from me and I wouldn't be able to say shit. I sleep in a random sports bra and some boxers and let sleep take over me. I wake up to my phone buzzing uncontrollably and falling off the nightstand. I pick it up and see tons of texts from Kiara and Lexi. Before I could even read what the messages said I heard banging on my door. I put on sweat pants and walk to the door. When I open it I see Kiara standing there panicked. "What's wro-" I was cut off by her, "WHY HAVENT YOU READ YOUR TEXTS YOUR NEEDED NOW!" I was pulled down the hall and into their dorm. "No, get away from me stop. Stop. STOP! Help Chris where are you HELP ME CHRIS!" I already knew what was happening. "What the hell is going on with her?" Lexi asked. Kiara, Lexi, and some dude was in her room. "She's having a nightmare everyone gotta go," I say the all look at me funny. "Why we gotta go? What you tryna do with her?" Lexi asked. "I don't think after a nightmare about something she wants to see so many people around her staring" they all file out of the room.

     I gently sit in the bed careful not to wake her. Her fucking pussy dad did this shit. It makes my blood boil that he put his hands on his child. She used to always get these nightmares when she was in our dorm. I  thought that Kiara knew about them but obviously she didn't. I wrap my arms around her and rock her back and forth. "Shhh shhh it's ok I'm here it ok," she wraps around my waist and calms down. I see the lights in the hallway turn off and she has a death grip on me so I guess I'm sleeping here tonight. I let sleep take over me and drift into dream land.

Leona's POV

      I wake up and realize that it's Thursday and I don't have class. Thank God that I didn't have class because I would have died. I smell men's cologne and see skin with a tattoo of a rose. I move and notice Chris in my bed with her arms around me. I jump up and scream, "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET HERE GET OUT CHRISTINA!" Kiara, Lexi, and Jayden run into the room. Chris is in a sports bra and sweats in my bed confused. "You had a nightmare and was screaming her name so we asked her to come. When she got here you calmed down." Kiara explained. I remember my dream. My dad was about to hit me again and Chris came and saved me. "I should go I have class in two hours and I still haven't showered yet," Lexi said hugging me and walking out. "Yea I gotta go too my roommate must be worried about me," Jayden hugged me and left. "I'm going to let y'all talk in private if you need me holler," Kiara said leaving the room and closing the door. I turn to Chris and she's on her phone texting someone. She puts her phone down and I sit on the bean bag chair  in my room. We sit in silence until she breaks it. "So you wanna talk about it?" She asks looking guilty. "I mean it's been the same nightmare I've always had so there's not much to talk about it," I say playing with my fingers avoiding eye contact. "Um so you left that brush set in the dorm. The one you liked so much. I was looking for my basketball pump and it was under the bed." She says staring at me. I nod silently and continue to mess with my fingers. "Look Lee I'm sorry I know what I did was wrong both times but I didn't want to lose you as a friend. Can you please just talk to me about it I'm tired of trying. I obviously still care for you as a friend or I wouldn't be here  right now. So please forgive me or forget me. You know Raeil was only here to distract me from what happened. I didn't want to lose my best friend in the process." She says. A tear rolls down her face she was really serious. "Look I forgive you and we can be friends again but no inappropriate touching ever again. A part of me didn't want to lose you either but I just couldn't do it anymore because I was afraid you would go way to far before you stopped." I say walking up to her. She stood up and we hugged each other, "I missed you best friend," she said barely above a whisper. "I missed you too bestie," I say chuckling.

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