Serena then thought about the events that happens earlier in the sky and she looked at the professor.

"Professor Kukui? Did you happen to see a hole open up in the sky earlier?"

The professor stopped in his tracks and looked back at her.

"A hole you say? Why no I didn't see it but I can tell you something, thats not the first sighting of a mysterious hole opening up in the sky I've heard about." Kukui looked back in front of him and kept walking and Serena walked faster until she was in pace with him.

"Well while I was up on Ten Carat Hill, a huge hole opened up and as it was beginning to close and disappear, something shiny fell out and then what looked like a Pokemon, flew by and caught the shiny object and disappeared!" Serena exclaimed as she recalled the events that happened.

Serena noticed that Lillie was listening intently and the Kahuna was also.

"A Pokemon you say? Where did it look like this happened at?" Hala asked and Serena looked up and then she pointed down the path that was ahead of the group but a little to the left.

Hala looked to where she was pointing and chuckled. "The Ruins of Conflict" he mumbled.

Serena looked at him as they continued they're trek.
"The what?" She asked.

Hala looked at her and grinned.
"The Ruins of Conflict young one! It where the guardian deity of the island is know to be. Tapu Koko."

Hala knew the girl was confused donhe continued to explain.

"Each island has a Pokemon who is known as "The Guardian Deity" they protect the islands. Melemele Islands guardian is Tapu Koko."

Serena nodded in understanding at the statement. "But why would Tapu Koko want that shiny thing?"

Hala looked at the sky and shrugged. "Well why don't we go find out then, shall we?"

Serena nodded and smiled and soon the group had passed a sign that said "Welcome to Iki Town!",and Serena looked around and smiled at how cute and small the town was.

"Welcome to Iki Town Serena!" Kukui yelled as he patted her back and she laughed.

"Follow me." was all the Kahuna said as walked pass some houses and pass a big arch.

They followed Hala as he walked pass two trainers battling on top of some small looking stage. One trainer had what looked like a Meowth but it looked different and the other had a really cute bug Pokemon.

Serwna looked away from the battle and looked ahead of her gulped.

The entrance to the ruins made her shiver but she followed the others as they walked pass the gate and into the ruins.

They walked up the first set of stairs and Serena was beginning to get nervous.

"We're almost there." Hala said as they kept walking and were met by two other sets of stairs.

They walked up the stairs and walked pass a gate and Serena looked around in aw.

A bridge layed in front of them, hanging above a vast rapidly moving river and to the left of the bridge was a huge waterfall.

Hala nudged Serena and chuckled. "Pretty huh?" She nodded and smiled.

"KOKOKOKO!" Lillie squealed and hid behind the professor and Hala and Serena looked around for the noise.

Serena looked at the Kahuna, "Want was that?!" She asked as she could hear faint rustling of the leaves somewhere around them.

"That would be good olé Tapu Koko letting us know its here and that it knows we're here also." Hala chuckled as he looked around.

Serena smiled slightly and kept looking around and gasped as she saw a strange Pokemon appear in front of her.

She heard Kukui whisper something to Lillie and she could Hala chuckle at her.

Tapu Koko just starred at Serena and seemed to get closer and closer.

Serena didn't move, she just stood there, awaiting for the Tapu to do something other than get close to her.

Tapu Koko disappeared quickly and Serena looked around frantically for the quick Pokemon.

Serena blinked and jumped and as she saw the Pokemon had appeared once again in front of her.

Tapu Koko levitated a fairly big gem to Serena and Serena slowly and hesitantly reached out for it and grabbed it looked at it in her hands.

It looked to have been broken and is missing a few pieces. It was a beautiful pink, mint green, blue, purple, and all of those shades of colors crystal, with gold on the edge of  it.

Serena looked back up at Tape Koko and saw that he was starring at her.

Tape Koko suddenly flew off quickly into the unknown wood. "KOKOKO!!!" And with that, the ruins were silent.

Serena and the Dimensional Doom in Alola!Where stories live. Discover now