Chapter 4: The Captain is Forgiving

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Hange and Levi discuss plans and times where they will start their love training, deciding to do lessons in the early morning and whenever Levi may be in a crisis. However, the next morning comes as a shock to both Hange and Levi.

"Captain! Are you alright?!" Eld Gin asks running up to Levi. The rest of the squad rushes up to him as well looking sick with worry (yes they're alive in this because why tf not). From there, the rest of the squad members pile into the conversation. Questions asking if the Captain is okay and recalls of his tears. Levi stares at them wide eyed and glances to Hange accusingly, his lips forming into a warning scowl. He trusted her! How could she betray him on this simple task? However Hange shoots him a look that states she has nothing to do with this. This only makes Levi glare ahead, and shove past his squad with Hange following at his heals. He changes course to the dining room. Whoever has done it will pay. Whoever has told the world of Levi's weakness will suffer for their betrayal.

Levi's mind begins clicking over everything,  trying to piece together who would do such a thing. Share his secret. To Levi, crying is weakness. He never cries in front of people and it's a hell of a big deal for him. Especially since he claims the title 'Humanities Strongest'. Soldiers are less willing to follow him in the field if they believe him to be weak. He has to be strong and be the role model they need. But now...

"Shit! Did Erwin tell everyone?!" Levi rages in question.

"Calm down, shorty! Erwin wouldn't do that to you." Hange soothes.

"Then who?!"

"Um... Eren maybe?" Hange suggests immediately earning a scoff.

"He wouldn't! I told him I would kick his ass if he did!" Levi spits, defending the young teen. The defence is broken when Hange questions if it wasn't any of them, then who else would spill the Captain's secret? They both halt outside the dining hall, silently looking to each other. Levi fuming in disbelief and Hange staring down at him knowingly.

"Excuse me," Levi grumbles as he opens the doors to the hall filled with soldiers. "I have a brat's ass to kick."
The short angry man marches down the great Hall of dining past several soldier filled tables.  His steps echo with high authority and the pointless chatter cease as all eyes are focused on the Captain who looks like the upbringing of Satan. It's silent, until-

"JAAEEEGEERRR!" Levi shouts. The said boy stands to attention, saluting his superior. Eren knows he's in trouble just by the fact his last name was shouted in the tone of anger.

"Sir!" Eren responds.

"Follow me." Levi orders harshly. Eren gulps and flashes a worried look to his friends before departing from his table and tailing Levi out of the hall. Levi doesn't say a single word to Eren as they travel through the castle corridors. Suddenly they stop. Levi turns around. He grips Eren's collar and slams the tall frame up against the wall.
"You bastard!" Levi growls. "You told everyone when I told you not to!"

"Captain! Please let me explain!" Eren pleads, instantly catching on to what he's in trouble for, but Levi only pushes Eren harder against the stone brick wall.

"Don't fucking talk! You humiliated me! Everyone thinks I'm a coward!"

"T-they don't Captain! I swear, they-"

"I trusted you Jaeger. I allowed you to see my weakest form. No one has EVER!! Seen that side of me!"

"I know Captain Levi, but please, they don't think you're fact they think you're more human... and-"

"A coward... weak!" Levi went on. "Ugh! Because you-"

"Captain! Please be quiet for a second and let me speak! At least give me a chance to defend myself!" Eren barks back. Levi raises an angry eyebrow at Eren's courage to shout back at a superior. One of the many things that make Eren stand out among the rest. The fact that even when it may be dangerous to spout shit, he still does it anyway. Brave, stupid, and liable to get the kid killed one day.

Levi tuts and decides to let Eren explain. "Fine. What useless excuse do you have?" He asks folding his arms across his chest. Eren momentarily sighs in relief.

"Captain Levi... I'm really sorry I told. And well, it kinda just slipped out-"

"You're not doing a good job of defending yourself." Levi frowns.

"Ah. Yeah... Mikasa and Armin heard and they forced me to-"

"Did they choke you?"

"Huh? No, o-of course not."

"Did they hold a knife to your throat and make you beg for your life?"


"Did they torture you in any way?" Levi questions with an ever growing scowl. Eren gulps.

"No sir..." the teen answers looking down almost ashamed. Levi scoffs and his angry glare intensifies.

"Then how could they of forced you?"

Eren stays silent, trying to look anywhere but his superior's dangerous eyes. The boy knows his answer will only make the matter worse. Levi will be off his head, and remove Eren's. Anything he says will lead to permanent removal of Eren's existence. Levi growls menacingly before realising the fear circulating Eren's features.

A deep breath in, and Levi takes a step back to give Eren some space to talk without the feeling of being a cornered mouse choking him up into a useless puddle of pulp.

"I told Mikasa and Armin... I trusted them not to tell anyone. Then Petra overheard and she just-"

"She went and told the squad." Levi finishes the sentence having the boy nod along with the answer. Silence flooded them. Eren glancing downward in awkward stiffness whereas Levi shakes his head at the news. Eventually the older man sighs and turns on his heel to exit the area

"S- Captain Levi?!" Eren shouts towards him.

"You're dismissed." Comes the reply. Eren blinks in surprise wondering if that is the Captain's way of forgiving Eren for the mistake he has made.

Words weren't spoken of such a thing, but then again, Levi is always a man of few words. Eren's ass hasn't been kicked, it remains in tact and without a boot shoved ten feet in.

With a sigh of relief, Eren gently smiles and turns on his heel as well, thinking of the Captain leaving as a sign of forgiveness rather than a sign of his inevitable doom.

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