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The hiss of the espresso machine could barely be heard over the deafening chatter of under-caffeinated New Yorkers, eagerly awaiting their morning fix. A petite brunette stood off to the side, her cool exterior betrayed only by her nervous foot, repeatedly tapping against the tile floor.

“Grande soy latte with an extra shot!” The barista called, sliding the hot beverage across the countertop.

A sigh of relief escaped the brunette’s lips as she stepped forward, fingers brushing against the protective cardboard sleeve surrounding the drink and a set of calloused fingertips.

Startled, her grip loosened on the cup. Her adversary seized this opportunity, lifting the beverage in cheers before turning to make his way towards the exit.

“What the fuck,” she spluttered.

The man turned back, a small smirk playing about his plump lips. “Excuse me?”

“You took my coffee.”

“On the contrary, I took my coffee.” His thick British accent would have been charming had he not just stolen her drink.

“But I ordered a grande soy latte with an extra shot,” she protested. “That coffee is mine.”

“Ah, but I ordered the same.” The smirk he wore grew increasingly more irritating as the seconds passed. She was already late, and she needed that coffee now.

“Look,” she paused, running a carefully manicured hand through her glossy dark waves. “Can I please have it? Normally, I would wait for another, but I’m already running behind for a really important meeting and I need to leave now.”

His expression softened slightly, but his grip on the cup noticeably tightened. “Normally, I would give it to you, but I happen to be running behind as well. He smiled apologetically before turning on his heel and quickly exiting through the glass door, the sound of a small bell chiming signaling his departure.

An agitated huff spilled from her lips as she stormed out of the shop, the scent of rich espresso wafting out into the cool, autumnal air behind her. The brunette stepped to the curb, hailing a taxi with practiced ease, and slid into the back seat.

As the taxi pulled out into the heavily trafficked street, she reflected on the fact that it was only seven thirty and her day wasn’t going to get any better from here.


“Addison! Finally, you’re here! Where have you been?” A leggy blonde strode across the room, her black heeled boots clacking against the freshly polished floor. The thick sheaf of papers in her right hand fluttered as she gained speed, finally coming to a halt right in front of the shorter woman.

“Arguing with some British asshole that stole my coffee,” Addison spat, slipping out of her black leather jacket, which she proceeded to then carelessly throw onto one of the white, wooden folding chairs.

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