Gingerbread (Luffy x Chef!Reader)

Start from the beginning

"Smells good!" Usopp says as he watches you walk over to them.

"They taste better than they smell. Here you-" You try to pick one up but your finger only met with the plate causing you to look down in terror to find that all the cookies are gone.

"WHAT HAPPENED TO THE COOKIES?!" You look around the plate then stop to see Luffy munching on the cookies.

"Thesh are goot" Luffy says with a mouthful of your cookies. The others were ready to hit their captain, but froze when they felt a deadly aura coming from you as you crack your knuckles.

"That was my entire batch for the contest..." Usopp and Chopper step away from you as you approach Luffy who is paling as he swallows the cookies.

"I-I'm sor-" Before Luffy can finish his apology you grab his shirt and flip him over your shoulder and slam him on an empty table. Then you pick him up from the floor and kick him in the gut sending him flying head first through the doors into the kitchen.

"WAAH! She's scary!" Usopp says in fear as he and Chopper cling to each other and freeze when you walk over to them with a frighteningly calm smile.

"I'm going to be making your captain help me make another batch as punishment for eating them all. Any objections?" The duo shake their heads. "Good, don't worry as soon as we're done he'll be free to go. Thanks for coming. I hope you guys enjoy your stay here."

You politely see them off after they paid for their meal then go back to the kitchen where an unconscious Luffy is laying on the kitchen floor surrounded by your fellow chefs including your dad. When your dad sees you he's the first to speak.

"What did the pirate do to get you mad?"

"He ate all the cookies for the festival." The chefs jolted for a second then nodded in understanding. They knew from experience that nothing pissed you off more than someone eating your food without permission.

Luffy massages his head then sits up to give you a childish pout when he sees you. "Hey, that hurt!"

"Shut up! It was your fault for eating all the cookies. I already spoke to your friends. As punishment for eating all the cookies you're going to help me make another batch."

"Ok." Luffy nods then stands up to dust himself off.

You blink at him in surprise. "You're agreeing? I thought I was gonna have to force you."

"Nah, It was my fault for eating them all. Besides, this could be pretty fun. So, what do we do first?"

(He's more mature than I thought.) You grab the ingredients needed and a large mixing bowl. "Alright then, let's get cracking. First, we need to break some eggs." You grab a few eggs out and when you hand him one you watch in shock as he splatters the egg on the counter. You quickly swipe the next egg he grabbed before he could break it again. "That's not what I meant by breaking the egg! You never did this before have you?"

"No, Sanji is the one that usually cooks on the ship."

"I see. Alright then here, let me show you what I meant." You show him how you lightly crack the egg then split it so the yolk gets into the bowl. "Now you try." You watch as Luffy tries to copy what you just did even though he got some eggshells in the yolk when he got it in the bowl.

You pluck out the shell but gave him a soft smile. "Not bad for your first try. Let's keep going." You and Luffy work together on each ingredient, showing him how to work on each ingredient then allowed him to take over when he got the hang on it.

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