Psy/420 Ethics of Punishment

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Ethics of Punishment

Samantha Craig



In society everyone has their own opinion as to what punishment fits the crime. These can be Judges, Jury, Teachers, Guardians and Parents. It is pointless to say that no one has never done anything wrong that didn't require some form of punishment. The problem is when most hear the word punishment they think of something bad. This is not the case there are three types of punishment and these are positive, negative and extinction and anyone of them can be used to end a particular behavior that is undesired. However, it is up to the reinforce to decide which method to use because not all of them work the same.

There are many parents out in the world that would love to say they use a positive punishment on their kids to end behaviors. However, that is not the case for many because it is easy to get confused. My Kids are very strong-willed and hard headed so when they get an idea in their heads they see it through. I use two methods depending on the situation. Extinction is used when my kids whine constantly. They believe because it is annoying that I will cave and let them have what they want. Instead I ignore them till they finally get the point and they act like human beings. The other method I use is negative punishment, this is where something is taken away to end a behavior. My kids love electronics so if they don't do something or they lie they lose what they value most.

When it comes to punishments it can bring up a lot of concerns particularly will it show results? Another is will it harm someone and their self-esteem. Positive punishments are more like being reprimanded for a behavior not tolerated such as telling a child who likes to bite others No. The problem is that they might not get the understanding. Negative punishment is used more where the child is put in time out, loses favorite possession, toy or even get spanked. Extinction is ignore a child when they cry all the time just because they don't want a nap or they want a toy from the store. This can result in the child acting out just for attention. The most concerning is negative punishment. Although I use it there is the possibility that one could be teaching their child that hitting others is okay or even teach them more bad habits. In order to avoid this from happening its best to ask the person why they are receiving the punishment and if they don't know explain it then have they repeat it.

Punishments are a part of life. What many do not know was that there are three main types and how each one can be effective or harmful depending on the situation that was put into place. No matter what the main purpose of punishments is to eliminate an unwanted behavior.


Malott, R. W., & Shane, J. T. (2014). Principles of behavior (7th ed.). Pearson Education, Inc.

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