The Minister of Hocus Pocus Agrees

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 "Professor, I I just got lost. A monster attacked me. I'm sorry I used magic! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry. Please don't kick me out! It was an accident. Please, professor-" Anemone stuttered. She seemed upset and nervous, and she looked ready to burst into tears. McGonagall didn't move, but interrupted in a sharp but calming voice,"Hogwarts will not be kicking you out, Ms. Potter, as the magic you used appears to be in defense of yourself, so rest assured that you can go on to you 2nd year. Of course, I should think that the Minister will be here not too long, now." 

 "Potter. Harry Potter. As in a real Harry Potter. As in Hogwarts, Dumbledore, Snape..." Annabeth was wide-eyed with shock. She looked around if she needed a chair to sit on, but of course, there weren't any. I was pretty shocked too. I mean, I haven't read any of the Harry Potter books, as reading is a very effective torture for me, but I had watched a couple movies with my mom, so don't judge me. Then......


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2018 ⏰

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