I get tickled to death by a magic stick

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When you wake up in the middle of the night with yells and growls coming from the woods, you instinctively grab your sword and run out of our cabin in PJs. Annabeth came running up to me, wearing an old t-shirt of her dad's and pajama shorts. "Percy! Did you hear that?"

"It can't be good. Maybe a monster?"

"What about all that yelling? Maybe we have a new half-blood?" All around us, campers were staggering out their cabins, too sluggish to really understand anything. We basically looked like a group of very tired, sleep deprived zombies, if you asked me. We heard a yell. "Annabeth! Percy!" Leo came running up to us. Unlike everyone else, he looked alerted and ready to fight even though he was only in his power ranger pajamas.(Hee Hee totally irrelevant but funny) "What's going on? My beauty sleep just got interrupted, and you know how important that is." Not two seconds later, Piper and Jason were next to us, too, asking the same questions. We headed towards the woods together, our weapons drawn. The noises, which hadn't stopped, let us toward the creek where I had been claimed. Trying to ease the tension, I said "Well, this can't be any worse then a drakon, can it? So we've got this in the bag, whatever this is, right? I mean, we've defeated Kronos and Gaea and the giants, so this will be a piece of cake. Right?"

"Hey, Percy?" Annabeth asked.


"Do us a favor and shut up."

"My pleasure." We could hear the soft footsteps and quiet whispers of our friends around us. The sounds were getting louder, and with each step, we became more tensed and nervous. I mean, we deserved some rest, right? The gods can't really expect us to kill the King of the Titans, defeat the evil Greek version of Mother Earth, and be back to camp in time to solve another godly level problem, can they? Just as we reached the small clearing next to the creek, we heard a shout,"Take that, you smelly dog! Down! I said down! AAAHHH!"

We all exchanged worried looks and broke into a run. Chiron, in full centaur mode, appeared beside us. We burst through the undergrowth and found ourselves in the middle of a fight. There was an enormous hellhound, as big as a rhino at least, pitch black with coal red eyes, circling a tall girl, though you could see she was only in 5th or 6th grade. In the dim light of Anaklusmos, we could she was wearing some kind of a long black robe. In her hand, she held a long stick and was limping and she tried to walk away from the hellhound.

Suddenly, the hellhound pounced, landing straight on the girl, and she landed on her side. We charged forward, but there was a yell, "Expelliarmus!", a loud bang and the hellhound was thrown backward, right next to us. I slashed at it with Riptide and turned the hellhound into a monster flavored powder. Meanwhile, the girl had gotten up, but couldn't seem to stand. She sat back down, hard. As we walked closer, we saw her more clearly. On top of the robe, she had on a long cloak, fastened with a silver buckle. She had on sneakers, and lying on its side next to her was an old-fashioned trunk.

When she saw us, she held up the stick, pointing it towards us, and said "Who are you? What do you want?" She seemed exhausted, and I could see that her hand was shaking."Get back. Now!"

"We just want to talk." I took a step towards her, but she slid away. " Who are you?"

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