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Piper had stopped running after Jason, though he was still dancing. She put on a sweet but forced smile, and using her charmspeak, she said, "Why don't you help us, Anemone? Why don't you put Percy and Jason back to normal? We would all be very grateful." But Anemone just frowned. Piper's words didn't seem to affect her. "You have magic in your words. I can feel it. It would be better you didn't speak since I don't know your powers. Petrificus Totalus!" Piper's arms and legs snapped to her body, unmoving, her mouth seemed glued together and she teetered on her feet for a minute, then fell flat on her back. Only her eyes moved, anxiously darting around.

"Oh, it actually worked!" Anemone smiled. "I never really was good at that charm. This is great!" On the other hand, I wasn't too sure. It was basically 3 down, 1 to go. And I had been the first one down. I was wondering why Chiron wasn't doing anything when he stepped out of the shadows. "Who are you? Where do you come from? I have never seen magic like that ever before, not even on Olympus."

"You're a centaur. Don't you know? Guess they all aren't like the ones in the Forbidden Forest. Besides, I can't tell you with all these Muggles around." Anemone looked around as if we were a great danger to some kind of secret. Suddenly, Annabeth got up. "Muggles," she muttered, "Petrificus Totalus. The Forbidden Forest. Tarantallegra. Rictusempra. Expelliarmus. Spells... You're not a half-blood. You're a wizard!"

"Right you are." said a voice from behind. Instantly, the tickling stopped, and me being exhausted, just I just lay there, taking deep breaths. Jason stopped dancing and also toppled over from fatigue. Piper got up from the ground, relief, and fear of what had just happened showing on her face. "Professor McGonagall!" Anemone gasped.

"Yes. I understand there are problems to be fixed. Misunderstandings. Let us have a talk with these people, no?" A woman stepped out of the shadows. She had a strict, sharp face, but warm eyes with a protective fire. "Hello, everyone. I am Professor McGonagall, the headmistress of Hogwarts, Anemone's school."

A demigods and hogwarts crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now