Part 33 - Outlast

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Seán chuckled a bit and turned back facing the tv and grabbed the controller.
He held it over to Signe and she furrowed her eyebrows.

"You wanna play?"

"Can we play Outlast?"

"Yeah sure!"

Seán closed Skate 3 and scrolled through the games he had downloaded on the PS4.

"Holy shit just the logo for the game looks freaky."

"Don't worry. It's a lot worse."

"Wow thanks."

Signe nudged him a bit and turned so she was sitting criss cross, but now facing the tv.
Seán clicked new game and handed Signe the controller.

"Oh lord. Is it at least going to give me a tutorial?"

"Yeah. Or it will tell you all the buttons as you go."

She nodded a small bit and started to walk towards the building when something came up.
Press L1 to open night vision.
She looked on the controller for the button, as she never really played PS4, and clicked it.


"This games graphics are really good."

"I can tell."

"Makes it scarier."

Signe's eyes widened and she looked at Seán making him chuckle.
He wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

"I'm kidding."

"You better be."

They chuckled as Signe pushed open the in-game door and walked inside.
She started walking down a hallway and picking up objects along the way.

"Long hallway in a scary game... not good."

She walked around the corner and picked up another object before she kept walking.
There was a handing body, feet in the air, in the corner of the room she just walked into.
She ignored it and kept walking to the shelf next to it as it jumped a bit with a scream making her jump a bit and drop the controller onto her lap.

"Chicken shit."

"Hey shut up! I watched you play this like last year and that got you too!"

"If you knew it happened then why did it scare you?"

"...because I'm a chicken."

"See don't tell me to shut up."

They shared a laugh and Seán grabbed the controller off her lap and with his arm still around her shoulder began to play.
He was reaching across with his left arm while his right was just over her shoulder.
Signe giggled a small bit and kissed his cheek.

"I'm still probably gonna tell you to shut up every now and then."

"Yeah go figure."

"I'm sorry~"

"You're adorable you know that?"

"Only every time you tell me that I am."

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