Part 33 - Outlast

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Yes. The game Outlast.
Also, there are a few times when I mention something that happens in the game, BUT IT MAY NOT BE CORRECT.
It's been 3 years since I watched Seán play it so I'm sorry.

Signe was in the kitchen putting away her coffee mug as she heard Seán yell 'fuck' loud and clear.
He was playing Skate 3 again.
She giggled a bit and closed the door to the cabinet.
He shouted something else again that she couldn't really make out as she grabbed an ice pack from the freezer.
After she got a pretty thick t-towel, she walked out into the living room, where Seán was, and sat next to him.
He looked down at the ice pack and back to his game with furrowed eyebrows.

"Your stomach hurting again? Didn't you just take a pain killer?"

"No I'm okay. Can you pause your game?"

"In one second. I'm in the middle of a challenge."

Signe nodded a small bit and sat criss cross on the couch, watching him just bail endlessly for a Hall of Meat challenge.
Once he finished, he turned to face her and sat criss cross as well.

"So you have the ice pack why?"

"Because this is why."

She cupped his cheek and gently put the ice pack on his eye.

"Okay. I know you care, but we fell asleep and I had it on my eye all night. It doesn't hurt."

"I know it doesn't, but the swelling isn't going down."

"Swelling isn't really important. It's not even that purple anymore."

"I know I know okay? I just care."

"I know you do. You make that very clear."

"I'm glad you know that then."

Seán smiles a small bit at her and moves the ice pack off of his eye.
He cups her cheek, like how she still has his, and pulls her a small bit closer as he attaches their lips.
She kisses him back and her hand moves from his cheek to behind his neck while his did the same and pulled her closer then before.
Signe was first to pull away and she smiled a small bit at him.
He did a quick eyebrow raise and smiled back at her, making her giggle a small bit.


"You know it, baby doll."

He gave her another quick peck and they both took their hands away and sat up straight.

"If it's okay I might go back to recording tomorrow..."

"What do you mean 'if it's okay'? Seán YouTube is your job."

"Well yeah I know, but I mean like if you're okay with being out here for a few hours by yourself each day."

"I don't mind. If anything I'll go walk around. Most likely in the rain but oh well."

"Don't get yourself sick though."

"I'll come back if I get too cold."

"Good because Ireland gets cold pretty fast."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

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