''Do you hear that?'' Harper questions, a voice speaking through a speaker become more clear than from where they started.

''Is that Monty?''

''Abby Griffin, Eric Jackson, Thelonious Jaha, Raven Reyes, Octavia Blake, Jim Bruder, Heather David, Garcia Watson, Danny Virtue, Sarah Surterquise, Susan Crawford, Chelsea Eran..''

Brandi had never felt so lost as the list of names continued. What was this?

''Clarke Griffen and Bellamy Blake,'' Monty finishes. ''If you didn't make the cut, then it sucks to be you.''

''What? What cut?'' Brandi exclaims. ''Clarke, what is this?''

The blonde kept her eyes trained on Monty, eyes narrowed to slits in the form of sending daggers.

''Well go ahead,'' Monty gestures, letting his arm fall to his side. ''Tell your people what this is all about?''

''Brandi,'' Harper whisper, reaching out to grab the brunette mindlessly departed herself from the crowd and more towards Clarke. But it was already too late because within a matter of seconds, Brandi stood a foot away from her, brows furrowed and neck craned, ready to listen for some answers.

''It's um..'' She clears her throat before turning to her, and let's just say, Clarke Griffin never felt anymore scared in her life. ''It's the list of the hundred people that get to survive.''

And just like that, a light- no. A fire ignited from within, bursting a new spark that made her feel rejoiced with the way it made her blood boil, her adrenaline pump and mind race. She threw her arm back and in that same motion, her locked fist came crashing Clarke's features.

''Brandi!'' Harper and Monty called after her.

The two got lost in the chanting crowd that closed in on them as Brandi went and threw another punch, but she brought an arm up, successfully blocking it on her own. But Brandi wasn't going to give up so easily. When Clarke pushed her arm down, Brandi flicked her wrist to grab onto that same arm and swept her leg from behind Clarke's and dropping her.

When she dropped to the floor, a flow of satisfaction conquered her emotions as throw a punch after punch, even when Clarke was in the process from recovering her pain from the back of her head.

She felt a pair of arms wrap around torso, at a very hesitant attempt to lift her up, and although it would have been mindful to let them carry her away, Brandi has never felt this anger course through her veins.

Brandi gripped tightly onto the pair of arms and threw her head back hard enough to make contact with whoever was behind her until an audible grunt was heard. This caused their grip to loosen, allowing her to elbow them in their chest and spin, lifting her leg to kick them away.

She went to charge for Clarke again, wanting to beat her face to the pulp considering one side of her face was already damaged, but another pair of arms pulled her back, much stronger than before.

''We had a deal!'' She yells throughout the massive chatter among the crowd. But once they heard her speak, the voices slowly muted to hear what she had to say. ''I bargain my life for Tristan, and it's still not good enough for you!''

''He's still alive isn't he?'' She exclaims, holding one arm out once she stood back on her feet while the other held onto her bloody nose. ''Isn't that what you wanted?''

''What's the point if you're gonna let him die anyway?''

She stayed quiet, only letting the sound of her heavy pants linger the air.

She furrows her brows and looks around her, breathing out, ''And for you and Bellamy to be on there-''

She rips herself away from whoever was still holding onto her and began to pace. ''What type of strings are you pulling here, Clarke?''

Magic Bullet ↬ Bellamy Blake [2]Where stories live. Discover now