↬ twenty one

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twenty one - No Frauds

''Brandi,'' A voice called as softly as possible, shaking the brunette in a semi gentle motion but also a tad roughness to it. ''Brandi, wake up.''

She squints her eyes at the person towering over her.

''Harper,'' She groans as she sits up. She stretches her arms back before clasping her hands together, another groan emitting from her throat as she does so. ''What are you doing here?''

''Come on,'' She gestures. ''We're gonna take a walk.''

Brandi drops her arms and cocks a brow at her. She couldn't help but let a chuckle out. ''I don't think so. Maybe some other time.''

While Brandi folded her arms back on Tristan's bed, resting her chin within the space, returning to the comfortable position she was just in the night before, Harper crossed her arms across her chest and propped a leg out. ''Why? So you can waste another day sitting here?''

She looked back up with a stern look. ''That's a lot for someone who hasn't seen my bad side.''

''Ever since you came back from Polis, you've been trapped in this room. Have you even eaten?''

She sits up and pushes her lips out into a small pout. ''I have.''

''Have you showered? Gotten a clean set of clothes?''

Brandi couldn't remain eye contact with Harper, knowing fully well that she hasn't been keeping up with her hygiene since Tristan been in his coma.


''Exactly,'' Harper nods. ''Let's get you cleaned up, at least walk around for a bit.''

She couldn't help but bounce her leg. Although the idea was tempting, there was just a thought that kept holding her back, a thought that became her first priority.

''What if he wakes up?'' She mumbles, twiddling with the loose string of her long sleeve t-shirt. ''I want to be here when he does.''

''Five to ten minutes wouldn't hurt anybody,'' Harper continues to persist. ''Brandi, I literally saw you walking in here in the middle of the night last night. This is starting to get unhealthy.''

Brandi remained silent. Maybe she was right. Maybe this was becoming unhealthy. Maybe she needed a break. Maybe she also needed a serious shower.

''Ten minutes,'' She breathes out when standing up. ''I want the comfiest clothes you can find.''

Harper responds with nothing but a cheeky grin, as Brandi leads the way out of the infirmary, making sure to grab a spare towel on the way out.

Harper watched with a satisfied smirk as Brandi took her first step outside.She stood there for a second, and just for that one second, her chest heaved through the deep inhale of fresh air, before processing a slow release.

She took another step forward and felt a soft breeze blow by, the slightest contact of air causing the hair on her arms stand along with the rows of goosebumps. Her hair ran along with the breeze, only a few strands getting in the way of her sight, but she didn't mind.

''Told you this couldn't hurt nobody,'' Harper perked about when taking a stand next to her. ''Let's see if there's anymore warm water left.''

Brandi couldn't help the grin that grew from ear to ear. ''That sounds amazing.''

But what didn't sound amazing, was on their way there, a crowd began to follow Harper and Brandi, causing the girls to furrow their brows at one another, wondering what the big deal was?

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