He knocked on the door and waited for his dad to let him enter. When he called from the door Liam rushed in, shut the door and sat down in front of his father.

"I need to speak to you." He said. Lewis nodded and leaned forwards. "It's about Roan, I think she could be...well...the fourth"

As the sun rose the next morning Liam sat up from a bad dream, he heard Roan stir from the room next door. He shut his eyes and listened, she was crying. He got up and knocked on her door.

"Roan can I come in?" He asked. She heard who it was and grabbed a jacket before sitting on the end of her bed. She crossed her arms over her stomach as Liam opened the door.

"What's wrong?" He asked walking towards her. She shook her head and dried her eyes. "Roan you can talk to me."

"No I can't. Please Liam just...leave me alone...please." She snivelled. He nodded and left her. She started crying all over again and she lay face down in her pillow. She had had a dream and it wasn't just any dream. It was about Stella, which only meant part of it was true. She wanted Roan hunted down and killed. She already had prisoners and she wanted Roan to be another. She knew part of this was true and what was scaring her was the fact she didn't know which bit was. She eventually calmed down when Hazel knocked on the door. Roan sighed and went to the door. She opened it and Hazel stood with a box of tissues.

"Liam said you wanted to be alone, which is girl talk for I am in a bad situation or problem. Am I right?" She asked. Roan nodded and let her in. Her eyes were still red from crying, but she at least could speak.

"So what's going on Roan?" She asked.

"No offence Hazel, but why are you even interested. You only do things that you gain from and talking to me wastes your time." Roan went to the mirror and put on her little necklace.

"Good question, because I want you to know something. If you are in doubt I will always be here for you to step in at my side. You know what I want Roan, I know you do and in some ways I think you want the same. You don't want Hunter's owning us like zoo keepers. You want to be free. If you do choose me, you are welcome." She said.

"Thanks Hazel." Roan said, not really sure what to say. Hazel then got up and left. A little confused, Roan got dressed and made herself look pretty. She then went downstairs for some food. Everyone was sat at the table and she slid in next to Hazel and grabbed some toast.

"You all right now?" Liam mouthed from across the table. She nodded and smiled weakly at him. She then went back to her food. Harold was about to pour her some fresh Human spirit when she stopped him.

"Weakness please Harold." She said.

"Oh sorry of course." He turned around back to his trolley and Lewis looked at her. She wasn't sure of his emotion, so she chose to ignore him. When the glass was poured she sipped it until it was only her and Liam sat at the table.

"Are you sure you're ok?" He asked.

"I'm fine." She said. "Just bad dreams."

"What a coincidence, I'm having the same problem." He said.

"Are you?" She asked. He nodded his head whilst rubbing his eyes. He did look very tired and she guessed it was from lack of sleep. The nightmares had got him worse then her. Harold then came in and threw an envelope down on the table in front of Liam. He opened it hurriedly and his eyes read the letter as quickly as they could.

"Thanks Harold. Sorry I have to go reply to this." He said getting up.

"Is it that urgent?" Roan asked. He just nodded and sped out of the door. Harold rolled his eyes and followed shortly after, leaving Roan alone.

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