Chapter Four: The Worst Matchmaker in the Universe

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*Author's Note*
This chapter is dedicated to NikkiTide for her amazing idea for this chapter! Do check out her books they're really awesome (I can attest to that) :)
Sorry for the real long wait I know it's been more than a year since I last updated, school's been pretty stressful for me and my parents are pretty against me writing so yep I guess my updates would be less frequent than you'd expect. Apologies again but really hope you'll still keep up the love and  support for my books and im really super thankful to all of you still reading this or have read the earlier chapters and contributed to the 5K (wow!!!) reads! You guys are really lovely supporters <3
Here's the long-awaited update (finally), it's longer than the previously ones and hopefully better too. Hope you'll enjoy this and do continue leaving feedback or drop some ideas (PLEASE! I'll credit you if I choose your ideas) as well as check out my other books! Thank you! And Enjoy :)



"The first task will be easy," Mrs Fletcher said slowly with a mischievous glint in her eye (I swear she can be such a bi – oops I mean such a devil sometimes), "all you two will need to do, is list out five things you like about each other...and tell it to the whole school together."

"What?" was our immediate collective response.

"I'm very sure you two do not need me to repeat myself."

"Excuse me, uhm, I'm actually not sure if I heard wrongly," I began hesitantly in disbelief, putting a hand to my chest, "Did you just say you want us to tell the whole school...what we l-like about each other?" I couldn't even pronounce that "l" word properly.

"Tomorrow's assembly slot. Each of you have five minutes max. That's all the time you have." The headmistress ignored my question and continued, before pausing and cocking an eyebrow. "Enough time to ensure you two will focus on the task and not end up having a couple fight onstage."

"To hell with this thing," Connor stood up angrily from his chair and prepared to leave.

"Right, I forgot to add," the devil continued coldly, "demerit points will be given if you fail to follow instructions. If any of you refuse to comply with the punishments issued to you the next couple of weeks, I won't be lenient. That includes putting you on suspension, if necessary."

I could hear a certain someone swear audibly under his breath.


Daddy wouldn't like that...I'd lose my trust fund! And my inheritance! And everything I ever owned and ever wanted!

"Please, Mrs Fletcher," I looked at her pleadingly, in the sweetest heart-melting smile I could muster and the most honeyed voice I could manage, "we will stop misbehaving so could you please just let us off for this last time? You really don't need to go to all that trouble of choosing punishments for us..."

"One more word from either of you, and any more protests regarding the punishments issued to you in future, Miss Sullivan and Mr Anderson," Mrs Fletcher looked at both of us pointedly, "I will be seeing your parents and we will be discussing your conduct grades and subsequently, your college testimonials."

What the hell?


This woman needs to learn to chill.


Five things I like about Connor Anderson.

Five things I like about. Connor. Anderson.

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