Chapter One: Dad's Ingenious Plan

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*Author's Note: Hey guys! Thanks for taking your time off to read this book :) Sorry for the slow update haha xD Anyway, this chapter's really short but hope you'll read on to the next chapter! It gets more interesting there :) Okay enjoy MME and please do vote and leave a comment!
xoxo, cherryworks_*

"You heard me," Dad said with a wink.

"You've got to be kidding me," I spat, "who the hell am I getting married to?" There's no way I was going to be betrothed to someone I didn't love. "Please don't do some stupid arranged marriage thing with the son of your business partner or something like what Uncle Johan did for Victoria."

"Of course not," he said, "well, maybe I would. But you see, I'm conducting something like a selection test to choose the perfect husband for you. It's something like what I'd do before I employ workers to work in my company."

"This isn't about work, Dad - this concerns my future," I raised my voice, "I don't want to marry some random guy whom I don't even know!" What on earth was Dad thinking? And how was he to know which guy would be the 'perfect husband' for me?

"I promise that won't be the case, Brookie," Dad assured me in a soothing voice, "you'll be part of the selection test - you get the final say in this."

That didn't make things better. "And who are you going to choose for this 'selection test'?"

"I have no idea," Dad admitted, "but I'll let you know. For now, this is the plan. And once you get a good husband, I'm sure you'll be able to get over that Evan guy in no time."

This was Dad's plan to help me 'get over my heartbreak'? This is crap! "Dad..." I began in a whiny voice, hoping he'd reconsider his decision, but he raised a hand to silence me. "I've made my mind on this and I won't change my decision," he said firmly, "I've seen enough of you crying so often over that stupid boy. It pains both me and your mother to see you like this, and so we've made this decision together  beforehand."

"But, Dad, you don't understand-"

"Alright, end of discussion," he interjected with a small shake of his head. "Rest well, my dear." Planting a soft kiss on my forehead, he stood up and turned to leave my room, quietly closing the door behind him, leaving me staring after him, dumbfounded, with my mouth agape.

I let out a frustrated sigh and threw myself back down on the bed.

Got to owe it to Dad for making me feel a thousand times worse than I already did.

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