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Living in a world of Titans can be tough. Every time someone walks outside the walls, they carry with them the possibility of never coming back. The risk of dying to protect the living. Protecting the people that are busy training to fight. They learn the weak points of the Titans outside, and how to protect themselves from the beings that live solely to kill us. Their time in training is spent hearing that they are walking corpses. No one listens, and no one cares, because if they start to believe that there isn't any point to fighting, then all hope is lost.

Giants, that can only kill to survive. That's what humans have been up against for who knows how long. They backed our ancestors into their walls, living every day scared that it could be their last. That at some point, during any day, a Titan could break through and destroy the village they had worked hard to make into a home. Destroy the people that had become a family. Destroy the one place on the surface that had become a haven.

Many believe that we aren't actually living. Simply surviving. But how does one expect us to live when we can't go outside in the world that had been created for us ? A world where Titans now roam free, destroying everything in their path. No heart. No pity. No mercy. Simply the instinctual need to survive.

Those that can't fight are forced to stay home, caught on the prayer that their loved ones will return safely. That, sadly, isn't always the case. Thousands have left the walls in humanity's fight for the planet, and hundreds have been returned dead. They fight to protect the last remaining speck of the human race from the creatures that wish to see the world's end.

Questions are formed in the minds of the living. The people left behind: the widows, the widowers, the orphaned children. The people that feel as though there's nothing left inside the walls. The question that no one asks, but everyone wants to be answered.


When will it be safe? When will we be allowed to leave the walls and create our own lives, away from the terror of the Titans? To honor the fallen in a world rid of the beasts that hunted us. To see for ourselves the beauty of an open stream, the magnificence of a garden, or the wonder of the old forgotten ruins of our ancestors. Most have been unable to comprehend the fact that someday in the future, we may all be safe. The world will either begin, or it will crumble. We will either be living in our houses, safe from all threats or die, at the mercy of the Titans. For most, there is only one reality: the end of humanity.

The last remaining spark of our species will die, and there will be no hope of ever defeating the Titans.

The soldiers that train and fight and die for our people have refused that this is the future. They die with the same thoughts. The same dying wish: freedom. Freedom from the captors that show themselves in nightmares. The ones who keep us inside the three layers of safety. The ones who force us to create an army, a military, the last strand of hope we hold on to. The hope that one day we will be safe. The last strand of hope that there is something good about to come. That we aren't doomed to death. That we have a fate, and that we will eventually live to see our Golden Age. The age where we will survive and thrive, without the Titans forcing us to live in corners.

Not very many believe that we can win. That we are all trapped in the same fate, the same destiny. That we will die at the hands of the Titans. That there is no hope for humankind. That we are all the walking dead. That everything we know will be wiped from our lives, no trace of it ever existing, with nothing we can do about it. Are we really doomed to this fate? Or will we be able to push the Titans back, and defend what is rightfully ours...

My Love UntoldOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz