Chapter 1

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*Hey everyone, I'm kinda new to wattpad and this is my first ever story, not quite sure where it's headed right now, but I’ll gladly accept any recommendations, so please help me out, thanks! Much love*

I'd been roaming through the woods for what seemed like hours, searching for it, although I wasn't quite sure at what 'it' was. I just knew that it was important and held all that I had been looking for, I just didn't understand why. I continued to weave my way in and out of the branches, feeling the touch of the night air upon my skin, my sense of direction has always been hopeless, but that night, I felt like I was being lead, like something was urging me in the right direction.

I awoke to the incessant ringing of my alarm clock, in the comfort of my own room. This dream had been recurring for almost a year; I could never make any sense of what it meant. As I did every morning I brushed it off and rose from my bed. I made my way to the bathroom, to get ready for school. It was the first day back from summer break and for once I was actually looking forward to school. I was usually one of those people that spent their last week of summer dreading the return to school. I guess times had changed, because I no longer felt that way. I was looking forward to walking those deceptive halls again. The halls that had managed to make many adolescent lives hell as well as other lives a pleasant memory. I suppose the reason for my enthusiasm that day was because I was going onto my last year in high school: Year 13. The year that had graced many teenagers with memories worth holding onto and had provided others with relief, because for them it was finally over, and they could finally go and truly live.

For me, this year was about amends, no regrets and the words I never said. I'm not going to lie; I had an adequate high school life, but that's all it had ever been-adequate. I had my loyal group of best friends that I will forever hold on to. I had my off-days and I had those days worth remembering. I no longer wanted my days at high school to be mediocre and as cliché as it may sound, I wanted make a difference.

When I had finished showering I went downstairs for breakfast.

"Good Morning Darling, how did you sleep??" my mum asked as she plated a few blueberry pancakes for me.

"Same as always, I had that strange dream again", I answered as I took a bite of one of the pancakes on my plate. "It does make any sense mum; I don't understand why I keep having the same cryptic dream."

"Give it time dear, if it's something important, you'll figure it out and if not, then enjoy it, explore a little", she was always trying to make the best of everything, it's what I love about her. Growing up the majority of my life without a dad, my mother ceased to disappoint, I guess it may have been a coping mechanism or maybe she was compensating for the missing parent in my life. We never spoke of him, he'd always been a touchy subject, he'd just decided to leave us one day and didn't turn back. My mother had tried to be strong for the both of us but I'd always been able to see through her façade.

I looked at the clock hanging on the wall above the window and realized that if I didn't leave for school soon I'd be late.

"Oh gosh, look at the time. Gotta go mum, I'll see you at dinner, love you." I gave my mum a goodbye kiss and rushed out the door while grabbing my keys off the kitchen counter.

"Bye honey, have a great day at school" my mum shouted out the door as I entered my car.

I arrived at school with 5 minutes to spare; I parked my car amongst the cluster of other vehicles. As I got out it finally hit me. I was starting my last year at Mayfield high, after this, it was all over. I breathed in the air contaminated with whispers behind bleachers, tearful hellos as friends reunited and the scent of the place that I had grown to love. I began my walk away from my car when I was suddenly grabbed from behind, lifted into the air and thrown over someone's shoulder. They spun me around, quickly although gently, it may have been a sudden attack but it was kind in all its movements. I knew these broad shoulders, these shapely shoulder blades, and this toned back. He put me down slowly, then placed his arms around my waist as an embrace and a way of keeping me grounded as I was partially dizzy. He put his face in the crook of my neck, I could feel his breath stroking my skin, I wrapped my arms around his neck and returned his embrace. This, something that would look like an ordinary hug from the outside, I had missed deeply.

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