Chapter 3

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We arrived at school at 18:45. Even though the concert was supposed to start at 19:00 there were a bunch of people already there. There was a stage set up in the middle of the field and a path of lanterns leading from the car park to the concert area, I'd seen it every year but the beauty of it all always overwhelmed me. We exited Haley's car and made our way to the concert area, arms linked.

"Guys, can we go backstage first? Brett's performing and I wanna wish him good luck." Bridget asked us.

"Aww. You've been away from your man a few hours and you're already aching to see him again. Don't worry Bridge, we'll make sure you guys get your privacy" Carrie answered with a wink. We all laughed as Bridge tried to hide her embarrassment. Although we sometimes teased they're close relationship, I could never be more jealous of Brett and Bridget. I'd never seen a love so true, their love is absolutely radiant. They had been together for 2 years, they were the couple that everyone expected to get married after school, and I for one was rooting for them. 

The air backstage was saturated with sweat, anxiety but talent above all. When we got there Brett was tuning his guitar with his back to us, the worry was practically seeping through his shirt. Bridget unlinked arms and walked over to him, she wrapped her arms around him from behind and he instantly loosened up, it puzzled me how just her touch could change his mood immediately, her presence alone had the power to determine whether he was happy or sad. He turned and hugged her, earning them a simultaneous "aww" from the three of us as we watched from the sidelines. When they realized how intensely we were watching them, they walked over to us, with Brett's arm around Bridget's shoulder.

"Hey guys, it's been too long." Brett said as he gave each one of us a quick hug. We smiled at him and agreed.

"If you don't mind guys, I think I'm gonna stay backstage for the concert. As you can see he needs me." Bridge said with a mocking smile.

"Well I'm not even going to try to deny that" Brett said smiling as he leaned in for a kiss.

"OK then! I guess that's our cue to leave" Haley said stopping them before they got any further.

"Bye Bridge, we'll see you later" Carrie said as we turned and left. 

We walked away, giggling at our obvious fear of any more PDA. It was seven o’clock by the time we’d gotten down to wear the chairs had been set up (not that we needed them, considering that no one sat down at these things). It was packed to the brim; people from other schools had even managed to come. Over the years ‘From Sun to Stars’ had become one the most popular events of the year, apart from being an amazing way to wash away all the stress that school brought with it when it started, it was also an amazing chance to meet new people, socialize and-for lack of a better term-just chill.

The opening act walked the stage it was a girl in the year below us singing a more upbeat remix of ‘Someone like You’ by Adele. And the entire area silenced and paid complete and entire attention to her. It was chilling how sudden the change was, how a place so loud, with noise so suffocating, could transform within seconds. Once she got to the remixed version of the chorus everyone was singing along and the atmosphere had blown up with evident happiness, and the night went on from there. On my right there was Carrie dancing wildly along to every song, while very openly flirting with all the guys within arm’s reach and on my left was Haley, quiet, beautiful, shy Haley. She was singing along to every word of every verse, yet every 5 minutes she’d turn and sneak a glance at Chace who was mingling with the girls from Bloomfield High. Then there was me, in the middle, breathing in the night air, trying my best to be here and now. Zoning out to the rhythm, because music seemed that much more…cleansing, when filtered through the splendour of night-life.

“Hey. This ‘From Sun to Stars’ thing is pretty cool” said a familiar voice from behind me.

“I told you it would be. Why didn’t you ever come before?” I asked.

“Well, the fact that I was in a completely different continent, was a slight problem” he answered slyly.

“Yeah, that distance stuff can be quite problematic” I replied, playing along. “So, do I get to put a face to this voice or are you gonna stay behind me forever?” I knew full well that it was Dwayne but I guess there’s no harm in making sure.

“I think I’ll stay here. I…like the view”, he said seeming slightly ashamed. And there it was. He revealed those ever so charming masculine qualities; he was in fact, a man. I guess I was relieved and flattered-on some note-that he was checking me out. I tried my best to smother a smile.

Next on stage was Brett’s band- ‘Silent Noise’. He was the lead guitarist and singer.

“This song is dedicated to my beautiful girlfriend. I love you for your intelligence, beauty, kind heart and most of all, I love you because, without you I can safely say I wouldn’t be where I am today. This is for you Bridget!” Brett said with an inexplicable ease, getting all the ‘oohs’ and ‘ahhs’ from the crowd in all the right places. The audience silenced for the beginning of the song. Brett strummed the strings of his with comfort, he was where he was meant to be on that stage and we could all feel it. An outsider would look at Brett and Bridget’s relationship and not be able to comprehend why they had been together so long. It was because of moments like these. The little things that they said or did, after witnessing Brett play for Bridge, all confusion should’ve left one’s mind. The crowd had come alive for Silent Noise they were cheering like never before, I would not have expected any less. Somewhere along the way, Dwayne had managed to snake his arms around my waist from behind and we were slowly rocking to the beat, in time to each other. The heat was radiating off of each of our bodies and we had become closer than I was with people I had known for years, in that one song. It was magical to say the least. Carrie and Haley had snuck away from us and were speculating, giggling and making it very obvious that they were watching us from the safe distance of the soda bar. Once the song was over, Dwayne whispered to me.

“You wanna go somewhere…less loud. I just wanna take a break from all the hassle”

“Yeah, sure. Come, I know a great place” I said as we walked away. I could hear Haley and Carrie’s dirty remarks from behind me but I continued to walk with him. This was turning out to be a pretty good night.

 *Sorry for the short chapter guys I just didn’t wanna make you wait too long, please tell me what you think and fan, comment and vote. Thanks xxx*

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